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Everything posted by Solitaryflyguy

  1. Resurrected this to provide some help/info. These vises were made in Keene N.H. by Knappe and Koester Inc. a precision machining firm that also made the Orvis large frame DXR reels. The tip on where it was made is written on the box panel label in the OP picture. Orvis began offering the vise in 1997 and it was later dropped in the spring of 1999. The vice pictured is a later version identified by the black jaws. The earlier production models had a chrome jaw. There were some design issues that plagued the vise during early development that were resolved and later, legal/patent issues that ultimately caused it to be dropped and replaced by Orvis in the spring of 1999. A very short life really. There aren’t any surviving records left anymore of how many were actually produced and sold. I’ve checked with Orvis and K&K staff. If I was to hazard a guess there aren’t many still around. First of all, at that time it was an expensive vise to begin with. There were some that were returned to Orvis due to the early design issues mentioned above and to my understanding, the subsequent legal/patent issues halted sales of remaining stock. I have a early model and can add it is a exquisitely machined piece and a unique vise. Hope this helps SFG
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