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Posts posted by flytire

  1. Dull-Pupa-1080.jpg

    Dull Pupa

    Hook - Curved
    Bead - White
    Thread - Gray
    Over Body - Clear buzzer wrap or clear tinsel
    Rib - Wine, red or black thread
    Body - Tying thread
    Thorax - Rust or burnt orange thread

    Thread-bodied chironomid pupa patterns such as the Dull Pupa are a wise option when trout are focused on suspending pupa early in the emergence. At this time, the pupae haven't gathered enough gas beneath their skin, which makes them shiny. Bright patterns are not always the best option. Inspired by good friend Brian Chan, the Dull Pupa also uses a clear Buzzer Wrap to protect the thread color, so it doesn't change when you apply a protective coating of UV. Resin, superglue or nail polish.

  2. okay back to february flies of the month


    Silver Knight Streamer

    Hook - Mustad 79580, size 6
    Thread - Black
    Tail - Golden pheasant tippets
    Rear Half of Body - Flat silver tinsel
    Front Half of Body - Red wool
    Rib - Flat silver tinsel
    Hackle - Black
    Wing - Bronze mallard flank feather

    This classic Scottish pattern is basically the same fly as the Peter Ross, with the replacement of the teal wing with one of the barred bronze mallard flank feather. The fly is closely related to the Teal and Red. It is derived from a centuries old pattern known as Franck’s Glittering Fly. The pattern, tied in various sizes, imitates small minnows, and is effective on all trout species.

    Silver Knight Streamer fishing fly Stock Photo - Alamy

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