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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by flytire

  1. flytire


    same to you
  2. sorry but i thought you were asking for prices to sell post your photos again if you want to
  3. i think i'll tie some up tomorrow using the bergman recipes
  4. try contacting him on his instagram page. if its him i dont know Bill Logan (@bill_logan_art) • Instagram photos and videos
  5. this Hewitt Hardbody Nymph - The Fly Tying Bench - Fly Tying
  6. Gray Dun Tip - Silver Body - Gray dubbing Hackle - Light gray Wing - Slate duck or goose quill segments Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth
  7. yup tried that and dead end as well
  8. last time i was there was in the 1980's https://diyflyfishing.com/dolores-river-colorado/
  9. Skipper Body - Yellow floss Wing - Mallard flank tied flat Hackle - Deep blue #popsflies • Instagram
  10. maybe through fly tyer magazine? Bill "Bugs" Logan | Fly Tyer not sure they would give you his email address. privacy concerns
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