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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by flytire

  1. EBAY http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=7162331531
  2. tippet size fly size 6/5 .015 6/0-3/0 7/5 .014 5/0-2/0 8/5 .013 3/0-2 9/5 .012 2/0-2 0X .011 1/0-2 1X .010 2-8 2X .009 6-10 3X .008 6-14 4X .007 6-16 5X .006 8-18 6X .005 10-22 7X .004 14-26 8X .003 18-32
  3. Buy the magazine and youll always tie them correctly!
  4. You can have this car in any color as long as its BLACK.
  5. Danvilles 3/0 & 6/0 sizes with colors as required Uni 3/0, 6/0 & 8/0 sizes with colors as required A lot of other places sell fly tying materials. Try Hook & Hackle next time, they have been in the business alot longer than Ebay!
  6. I think I would use them for tying only the "Classic" old time patterns using as close as you can get to original materials. Just my opinion, others will vary!
  7. Attractor patterns are designed to do exactly what their name implies, attract a fish's attention. Once the fish has been duped into taking notice of the fly the likelihood of a strike increases significantly. Attractors are tied a bit gaudy usually, with more flash than normal patterns. They don't imitate any specific insect, but are designed to look a bit like many possible food items. Heres a "Parasol" fly. Its merely a fly suspended below a tuft of poly that acts as an emerger
  8. Try GOOGLE! It always turns up something!!!
  9. Ive got one of the early Renzetti Travelers (Late 80's) and it keeps on ticking.
  10. Ive never seen a fish looking thru a microscope and saying that aint trilobal I aint gonna eat it. Since you bought all that yarn, go ahead and try it out.
  11. R U ready! http://www.danica.com/flytier/nfrechette/nfrechette.htm http://www.danica.com/flytier/rtakahashi/rtakahashi.htm http://www.danica.com/flytier/jduran/jduran.htm http://www.danica.com/flytier/jbarela/jbarela.htm http://www.danica.com/flytier/ccraven/ccraven.htm That should keep you in midges for awhile
  12. Looks good but will it thin out during strip retrieve. Sorta like a pencil.
  13. Select a feather Remove the fluff from the base of the stem Snip out a "V" in the tip of the feather You can also moisten the marabou to help in the tie in.
  14. Why even flatten it! Isnt V-Rib shaped like a "D"? Tie on the mono as is!
  15. Ive got Adobe Acrobat reader 7.0 and I can only read as one page at a time. Is this document in a PDF format? When I'm looking at the cover sheet it only says page 1 of 1.
  16. flytire

    okuma reel

    I am currently using the Okuma Airframe reel for my bass and panfishing. To date it has seved me well, but havent hooked a bruiser bass to test out the drag. I figure for about $40 (US) its a damn good line holder compared to the $200+ reels out there. I'm not an abuser of equipment so this reel should last for years. Ive asked around on different forum sites if people would use a $40 composite reel and all you get are up turned noses and sarcastic answers. Not one of them have even tried one out and they know all there is to know about this reel. Ha! Something inexpensive is not always cheap!
  17. All my feathers except pheasant tails are stored in the bags they came in and then in those rubbermaid style storage boxes. And I dont know why my pheasant tails arent stored the same way. Probably too long for those plasic boxes!
  18. For $80 it better make me a better tyer and I seriously doubt that it can. I dont spool out an enormous amount of thread when I tie anyway, so whats the gimmick of this bobbin?
  19. QUOTE (critter @ Apr 12 2005, 09:00 AM) I like my TMC Hooks. I have my favorites for dries, wets, and nymphs but I wanted some input on which hooks I should consider for my streamer inventory. Any suggestions? what do you think of the TMC 300, 5263, and 9394 models? -Critter For streamer hooks try this article: http://globalflyfisher.com/streamers/raske/hooks/hooks.htm
  20. flytire


    Looks different enough to keep Renzetti from sueing him for some sort of patent infringement!
  21. C & F are among the best!
  22. Byron, Do you have a "Carter" vise? It came and went during the early '80s.
  23. Do you have a LAW vise? http://www.flyfisherman.com/ftb/hwvise/index10.html
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