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Fly Tying


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    south-west Poland

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  1. Halcyon, I tied it on the basis of the book you told me (Mann). I bought Shewey's book too. Thank you, one more. Paul
  2. ... with dark claret front hackle. Paul
  3. Mice

    Pongo ;-)

    Foto? tail - teal body - grey cutting senyo's laser twisted in black floss loop wing - mixed black and grey senyo's laser hackle - grizzly hen and guinea
  4. This is in addition to the Ray's Cruella. Paul
  5. Mice


    A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by Mice: Czosta
  6. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by Mice: Brown Olive Caddis Nymph
  7. Mice

    D Spey

    I threw it into the water. It is better than I thought. It will be good for slow water, I think.
  8. Mice

    D Spey

    Kirk, spey hackle - no problem. You can use fur twisted in dubbing loop. Mohair, schlappen. ringeck pheasant rump feather, hen and cock with long fibers to small flies. This is body. I used my dog underfur (?) . Front hackle - teal, gadwall, woodduck and flat wing. That's all. Simple spey finished.
  9. Mice

    D Spey

    Thank You. Kirk, look here: http://www.youtube.com/user/DavieMcPhail#p/u/81/WTXo38hR1wo ... and here http://www.jpdessaigne.com/Lesmouchessaumo...ne/valonne.html More information you can be found at the web site: http://www.jpdessaigne.com/Lesmouchessaumo...n_sommaire.htm# Paul
  10. Mice

    D Spey

    I tied this inspired by David Nelson's flies. Paul
  11. Mice

    D Spey

    A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by Mice: D Spey
  12. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by Mice: Orange Heron
  13. I like steelhead and spey flies. I dont fish with them only because there are no steelheads and very few atlantic salmon in our rivers. I used spey flies in Mongolia. Natural colors were ok. I hope that in short time I will go for steelhead. Canada I think.
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