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Fly Tying


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About marinac

  • Rank
    Bait Fisherman

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  • Location
    british columbia canada
  1. take a close look at this mayfly on this site it gave me the idea to use epoxy on mono ( not sure if that is how he has done it but here is the link)danica.com
  2. hmm i dont see any 94845 in these lists ( here where i live all rivers are NO BARBS and i hate to crimp the barbs off < i have this habbit of breaking the tip off all the time > is cheaper for me to get barbless
  3. marinac


    thanks all, how do i change the ( bait fisherman ) i fish what ever style i can at that time most times i fish flys ( self taught)
  4. hmmm am new to tying but have you tryed to use epoxy over the mono before you put it to the hook as i see it when mono is wet it is gone from sight therefore you get the same effect as haveing a clear body ( you can even color the epoxy to get a different effect) NOTE : i am not sure this will work i am just thinking it MIGHT work marinac
  5. hi i am trying to make a database of flys and how to build them ( for my self but will share) was woundering if any of you have used flyfree database or some other database?
  6. marinac


    hello i am new to this site and the fly fishing arena hope to chat with you all at some time or other ( i am 44 and live in prince george bc ( canada) i am disabled so i dont get out fishing too much but can tie flies so am starting a new hobby )
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