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  1. So, I got hacked once again, sorry I am not able to put the link to this fly on my website, but thats because I cannot use my website anymore. So this fly will just be the youtube link with less info, sorry guys! This fly is really simple and easy to tie, but gives great results. Its very flashy, and will be seen even in murky water. You can tie many of these quickly due to only taking a few minutes each. The materials also don't hold much water, and therefor will be easy to cast. All of the materials I used today can be bought for very little money from fly tiers dungeon. With the exception of the adhesive, thread and hook, the materials cost less than $5, but will allow you to tie many many of these flies. Hook: Gamaktasu SS15 size 2 Thread: Ultra Thread 70 (brown/olive) Body Wrap: Tinsel Twist (olive) Tail Flash: Northern Lights (olive) and Pearl Web (hot white) Dubbing: Bull Frog (BWO) and Starburst (olive) mixed together Eyes: 3D eyes size 4mm Eye Adhesive: Fletch Tight Knot Adhesive: Hard as Hull
  2. What vise should I get ? Needs to be $70-$100 Needs to be a rotary (doesn't have to be a true rotary) Needs to hold Hooks from 20 To 4/0 Needs to have a base included Needs to have a lifetime warranty Needs to have a Lever lock system ( example Apex vise) Needs to be new Needs to have good reviews Needs to work for a commercial tier, 10 flies a day 5 days a week As always Tie On!
  3. I tie clouser deep minnows 90% of the time when I tie flies because I think they're easy to tie. I know a few colors to use that are proven to work are brown over white and chartreuse over white but I'm not sure what colors work better for trout and what colors work for bass. Tie On!
  4. Click on the link below for viewing on my website, or watch the streaming video. However you want. Fat Head Squishy Perch Streamer Fly This fly moves really nicely in the water. The shell made by the UV resin makes this fly move very interestingly in the water. It glides and jerks kinda like a slow sinking jerk bait. The movement is very unique and in my experience, uncommonly found in other flies. The fly looks great in the vice, but looks even better in the water. It is almost translucent and shows the yellow dubbing (you could even use orange) under the white dubbing. I did not come up with this technique. A video I watched a while back had this technique with the flexible UV resin. Its pretty awesome in my opinion, and has really changed my fly tying ability for this type of fly. The fish slay this on my local lake. Small mouth, large mouth, and even a pike last time I went out with it a month or so ago. Hook: Gamakatsu SS15 size 2 Thread: Ultra thread 70 denier in orange Tail Flash: Pearl web Fiber: Bull frog dubbing (white, yellow, pale olive, blue wing olive) Flash Fiber: Starburst dubbing (pearl, light gray, golden peacock) Stripes: Brown sharpie Eyes: 3D eyes size 7MM Resin: Solarez "flex formula" UV curing resin.
  5. So, as most of you know, I am always looking to improve the experience you guys and other viewers get watching my videos. I realized that I have so many video's on youtube now that they would be hard to navigate through. I spend the entire week trying to setup this new site with my video's that are laid out with more structure and categories. There are pages for salt/fresh water, then pages for streamers, nymphs, dry flies, crabs, shrimp exc... I hope you guys like it. Tell me whatcha think. I think some of you have already seen it. But let me know what you think I need, or any improvements you would like to my site to keep ya coming back looking at my video's more often. http://www.mcflyangler.com
  6. Im no expert and this is my first full rotary vise. I have played with a few other than this one, and I personally found this one to be the best for what I needed. I am in no way coming down on other vises, except for stating my opinion. I could be wrong on some things with this review, but again I'm not an expert and only stating what I see, and my opinion as the owner of this vise. Now that I am done with that... Take a look at the review below... Click the link to see the full review with pictures on my site. If you are like me, you dont have the money to buy one of each vise on the market and test them out for the best one. With some manufacuturors charging upwards of $500+ for their flagship vise, its hard to even aford one vise, let alone multiple. I recently was on the lookout for a new vise, one with a full rotary feature, and also for a good price.... Read more - Anvil Atlas Fly Tying Vise Review Anvil Atlas Fly Tying Vise Review
  7. The crack head charlie is a variant of the crazy charlie that I tie with "the kracken enhanced" dubbing. The fly sinks slowly to the bottom due to the bead chain eyes and sits with the hook point upright. The Kracken dubbing moves nicely in the water due to the micro rubber legs. Hook: Gamakatsu SL45 bonefish hook size 6 Thread: Danville 210 waxed in hot pink Body: Saltwater sized pearl flashabou, and D-rib Weight: Bead chain eyes Wing: Kracken Enhanced dubbing in hot pink Check out the video below, or view it on my website at the link below the imbedded video for more information and other videos. Crack Head Charlie - Bonefish Fly Tying
  8. I`m sure many of you cringed at the title of this post. And yet ANOTHER woolly bugger focused article.. and right after someone ranted about them being so intolerable. A bad time to have invested blogging efforts into that dang woolly bugger I certainly didn`t re-invent the wheel here, but I did collect some ideas and concepts about the woolly bugger that can be translated to many other fly patterns. I post this here looking for criticism and feedback. I wanted to add some beginner content to my page, and still plan to add a few more of the `basic` patterns. If anyone has the time, I would appreciate a comment or two about my video. I am not looking to teach basic terms or material types, just offer tying tips that might make life easier for the person starting out. Did I get to technical? It's hard to tell without feedback. Otherwise, take a quick look as there are neat ideas and variations about the woolly bugger. I tried to make it interesting. If you would like to contribute to the blog or tell the blog what you really thing, please add a comment on the post. Positive or negative, the banter is always fun. https://tieflycast.wordpress.com/2016/07/29/the-woolly-bugger-keep-it-interesting/
  9. Wooly buggers are probably one of the most popular and versatile freshwater streamer patterns ever created. Sometimes however you want to fish really deep, and a simple bead head might not do enough. This dumbbell eye bugger will get you down deep, and has the added benefit of a jigging action. Hook: Size 10 Daichi 1750 Tail: Olive marabou Flash: Krystal flash Body Wrap: Fine gold wire, olive chenille, and olive saddle hackle Weight: Dumbbell eyes Thread: Ultra thread 70 denier in brown/olive UV Resin: Solarez "Bone Dry" Watch the video here, or view it on my website for more information... The link for the video on my website is below the imbedded video Dumbbell Wooly Bugger Dumbbell eye & hackle video: Mc Fly Angler www.mcflyangler.com
  10. This video is part of a series. Please don't tell me that I should have talked about the difference between dry fly hackle, or hackle quality, or how to buy a cape, or anything like that. This video is for a specific purpose. I have a flies that I use this specific technique for. Instead of showing it in the entire video, I can just link to this one. This allows me to offer more info, or less info. You can select another video if you want more information. Or you can watch a simple 4 minute video without having to watch the extra steps, if you already know how. While there is much more to know about hackle, I am focusing on the simple stuff, with selecting hackle feathers off of a cape for use in a streamer tails, wings and as lateral lines. Its very important to prepare the hackle properly, and select the right feathers in order to get them to sit right on the fly, and even get the correct action. "Music: ukulele - Bensound.com" https://youtu.be/yD5mMAK-OK8
  11. The black zebra midge is probably one of the more common midge patterns used when nymphing in rivers for trout. They are very easy to tie, and super effective! I always have a few of them in my box, as there are always midges present. Since midges are always present in the water, they are one of the most important and readily eaten foods for trout. Hook: Umpqua U202 (any scud or curved hook will do) Thread: Ultra thread 70 denier - (black, red, brown, olive and white are common) Check ou the video here... Or below the video is a link to my site where you can watch the video and also find more videos that I made. http://www.mcflyangler.com/freshwater/nymphs/black-zebra-midge
  12. The Krystal Flash Midge Emerger is one of the more simple emerger patterns for trout. This midge emerger is really effective despite using only 3 materials. Krystal flash, thread and wire. Tied like a zebra midge, but with an emerging wing. These are one of my favorite midge flies for picky trout in rivers. Its so easy to tie, I can make up 20 of them, and don't mind too much if I loose some due to small tippet. Hook: Umpqua U202 (or any scud hook size 14-32) Thread: Ultra thread 70 denier (black, red, cream, olive, and brown are common) Ribbing: Ultra wire x-small (gold or silver are common) Watch the video below, or click over to my website to watch the video where there is more information. http://www.mcflyangler.com/freshwater/nymphs/krystal-flash-midge-emerger
  13. Just got my Wolff Industries Anvil Atlas in the mail. So I thought I would do an unboxing video. Not a bad vice for $129.99. I am quite happy with it. Check out the video below if you are interested. I sorta did a review on it, however I hadn't tied with it yet. I have since and will say that it works great. But the review is just an initial view review. Talking about the construction. http://www.mcflyangler.com/anvil-atlas
  14. I created this fly to mimic a skirted jig. When I conventional fish for bass, one of my favorite and most productive techniques is flipping heavy cover with a skirted jig for bass. Attaching on a crawdad type plastic really adds to the bass catching ability. The fly is a little more difficult to tie, but its durable and will last through many fish strikes. Hook: Gamakatsu SS15 size 1/0 (any long shank hook will do). Flash: Black holographic flashabou and bronze krystal flash Back Legs: Bug legs - dark brown and orange Claws/head: Rabbit zonker strip Skirt: barred rubber legs Body: Super Flash Dubbing (copper color) Check out the video here, or click the link below to view it in my website. http://www.mcflyangler.com/freshwater/freshwater-streamers/bad-bass-crawdad-fly
  15. The Gotcha! bonefish fly is very popular and effective for fishing bonefish in the flats. It looks a lot like a shrimp swimming in the water when fished properly. Its fairly easy to tie and uses minimal materials. Hook: Gamakatsu SL45 - size 6 Tail: Mylar rope with the inner rope removed Body: Pearl braid Thread: Danville 210 flat waxed - hot orange Wing: Craft Fur - tan Flash: Krystal flash - gold weight: Bead chain eyes Check out the video below, or for more information check out my website in the link below the video. http://www.mcflyangler.com/saltwater/crabs-and-shrimp/gatcha-bonefish-fly
  16. The disco midge pupa is an easy and effective pupa pattern. The flashabou wrap shines in the water really well and is very visible to feeding trout. Hook: Umpqua U001 - size 22 Thread: Ultra thread - black - 70 denier Body: Flashabou - thin strand.
  17. Hey, I am doing something new. I plan on taking all my video's and turning them into article form. Sometimes I don't always want to watch a video on tying a fly, however reading a quick recipe article is quick, and you don't always have to listen to the person. Knowing my voice, I think this will be a big hit. HAHA Let me know what you think about this article thing. http://www.mcflyangler.com/sexy-shad-clouser
  18. I decided to start writing articles on my site, instead of just video's. Check out this article on my website. Keep in mind, this is a very simple tutorial. I know most of you probably already know this trick. But incase you don't, then hopefully this will help. http://www.mcflyangler.com/vise-hook-keeper
  19. This is a great fly for saltwater applications, but also can be used for larger freshwater fish like bass, salmon, or pike. While they aren't the most easy to tie, they aren't difficult either, and they really do catch fish. They move so nicely in the water. This is a variation of the original that was tied by lefty kreh. Hook: Gamakatsu SS15 hook size 1/0, but any long shank saltwater hook will work. Tail: White saddle hackle Thread: Danville 210 waxed in blue Body: Pearl braid, or silver tinsel Wings: White and blue buck tail Gill: Red calf tail, or red crystal flash eyes: Stick on eyes, preferably flat, but I used 3D eyes which work as well. Epoxy: Solarez "Bone dry" UV curing resin.
  20. In the late spring and early summer, terrestrial fishing can be phenomenal. The wind will blow ants, grasshoppers and beetles into the water, and the fish start looking for these tasty snacks. Ants make up one of the most common terrestrials found in the trouts diet. So fishing one of these simple ant patterns at the right time, can yield amazing results. Hook: Umpqua U001 size 22. Any dry fly hook will do, sizes 16-26 Dubbing: Super Dry Dubbing Hackle: Top of a black neck cape where the small and fine feathers are.
  21. Hey, I am going to start re-doing some of my old videos where I talk at the camera and make them better like my newer videos. I want some suggestions to see what you all want to see. I don't have the ability to re-do all of them in a timely manner, so I thought I would ask you guys which you want to see next. Please cast your vote on here... 1: Salty Krystal Flash Shrimp 2: Mc Bunker http://youtu.be/DRksd7ItFK 3: Merkin Crab 4: Seaducer 5: Lefty's Deciever 6: Synthetic Glass Minnow 7: Mc Mullet Finger Mullet 8: Standing Shrimp 9: Crazy Charlie 10: Monster Bugger
  22. This is a small bunker type fly that I tie for many saltwater species. I like Chartreuse and white for Stripers. This one is blue and white. Its a high back style tie on both the top and bottom. I add a bit of krystal flash to this fly as well. https://youtu.be/DRksd7ItFKI
  23. Now that the sulphurs are in full swing, though nearly gone on some streams, I wanted to share one of my favorite patterns to fish during the hatch, the Sulphur Comparadun. I'd love to hear what some of your favorites are, too, during this fun hatch! TC
  24. The clouser minnow is one of the most widely used and effective streamer patterns for both salt and fresh water fly fishing. It has a really nice jigging action, and also sinks a bit to where the fish are. Its fairly easy to tie, and uses just a handful of materials. The bucktail moves really nicely in the water as well. If you ever watch the professional bass fisherman on conventional gear, they will throw a color pattern called Sexy Shad quite regularly. This is probably one of the most common crank bait color, made popular by Kevin Van Dam. I decided to copy that color pattern to create a great Large Mouth Bass or small mouth bass fly for fishing the shad spawn. Hook: Gamakatsu SS15 hook in size 2, but it can be tied on any strong long shanked hook. Weight: lead dumbbell eye Thread: Danville 210 flat waxed in blue (can use white as well for this pattern) Body: White, yellow, and blue buck tail Flash: Pearl flashabou (under the white bucktail) and gold crystal flash (under the yellow buck tail) Epoxy: Solarez "Thin Hard" UV curing resin. Music: funnysong, ukulele - Bensound.com
  25. Surf Candies are a great fly for a subtle presentation. These mimic a small transparent fish very well. Made originally by Bob Popovics to fish bluefish in the surf, these quickly started showing up in fly fisherman's boxes for just about all species. Traditionally tied with this olive color, you can tie just about any color you want. They will match most of the hatches in the world both saltwater inshore and freshwater. These are also very durable flies since the first 1/3 of the fly is covered in epoxy. Toothy fish will not be able to rip off the flies hairs. Hook: Gamakatsu SC15 size 1/0 Thread: Clear Monofilament (fine) Fiber: Ultra Hair in Clear and Olive(or any fine crimped clear fiber) Flash: Flashabou (fine) Lateral Line: Flashabou (thick/saltwater) Epoxy: Solarez "Thin Hard", "Thick Hard" and "Ultra Thin - Bone Dry" formula's. https://youtu.be/pVDYJToSOaA
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