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Stiff Wooly Bugger

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Wooly buggers are one of the most popular streamers ever created.  You can actually fish them as nymphs or streamers.  Strip them, swing them, dead drift them, float under an indicator, or drag the bottom.  Use a floating line, sink tip, or even full sink.  Tie them small or large.  However you fish them they will catch fish quite regularly.   They are not too difficult to tie, but are also very effective.  

Buggers use just a handful of materials, and most can be had for relatively low cost.  I was using some more expensive capes, but you can find some Chinese strung hackle that will work just fine for very little cost.  Marabou also is very low cost to get.  So you can tie these for cheap, and fill boxes with flies that will be very effective and not break the bank.  

These are very versatile, as I said you can fish them in a wide range of techniques, and also tie them in different styles and uses.  For instance, today I am using a stiff hackle to tie this bugger.  This will make the fly push more water and if you were fishing a fast moving stream or river then it would be my hackle of choice.  I find that I have better luck with the soft hackle versions when fishing in lakes for bass, sunfish or trout.  And seem to get more strikes when fishing the stiff hackle while fishing rivers and creaks.  Ive caught bass, sunfish, trout, and even some saltwater fish on them.  I know some fisherman who swear by fishing buggers in the surf in California for surf perch.  They just work, and are easy enough for a beginner to tie.  


Hook:  Risen 300 (size 8)
Thread:  Veevus 6/0 (olive)
Tail:  Marabou (olive)
Flash:  Krystal Flash (gold)
Body:  Rayon Chenille (olive)
Ribbing:  Ultra Wire (brassie, gold)
Hackle:  Whiting American Hackle Rooster Cape or Streamer Pack (olive)
Head Cement:  Solarez Ultra Thin UV Resin

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Try what flytire suggests and if it works, great.

If it doesn't, let us know.

I think it is the ISP you are posting from, but what do I know?

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On 7/8/2022 at 7:39 AM, SilverCreek said:

OK. I got your back!

Lol thanks man, not really sure here why this won’t work just for me.  Haha

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23 hours ago, SilverCreek said:

Are you posting from a VPN? If you are, maybe that is a factor.

I don’t think so, I’ve never signed up to one.  

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