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Fly Tying

AZ beginner

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Hey now folks... Beginning fly tyer. Retired in August, expected I'd start dabbling eventually. Got sick w/covid end of Oct. Figured this would be a good time. Got some basic tools and materials, and dove in. Watched a lot of YT vids, learned a lot, hanging on the fly fishing forum and some FB beginner groups.

The learning journey is fun. I frequently hit a wall because I don't have a material called for, so I add it to my list for the next order and try to figure out an alternative. Have more supplies coming this week, so hoping to expand the repertoire.

Been working on nymphs, buggers, and a couple of drys, but mostly technique. I try doing "X" (like dubbing loops or something), cut it off, and do it again until it starts to look OK. Still got a LOT to learn, even about the basics.

Nice to be here, hoping to learn...



A few pics...

May be an image of fishing rod, body of water, nature and indoor

May be an image of indoor, body of water and nature

May be an image of nature

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All your flies look great, but that PT really has style. 

IMO, getting just what you need when starting out and slowing adding to your stock is the right way to do things. 

If you have the inclination and materials, you might want to take up one of the flies in the fly challenge thread:


Its more of a challenge to yourself than it is a competition with other tyers.  

In any case, looking forward to more of your flies. 

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AZ Welcome from Connecticut, you are off to a great start with the flies you posted. I hope you enjoy retirement covid sucks but looks like you made something out of it. The most important part is to enjoy tying and work on technique sounds like you are on track with a new hobby.

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Welcome @AZFalconer, from the Centennial State   Looks like you're off to a very good start. "but mostly technique. I try doing "X" (like dubbing loops or something), cut it off, and do it again until it starts to look OK."  I couldn't agree more with that statement, except to add "... and keep on doing it some more."  Take the "challenge" post some pics in the <This month> Flies from the Vise thread. No critiques will be given unless asked for and they will be given respectfully and in a positive manner. 


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Welcome from one new guy to another Charlie.  I've found myself waking up and checking here to see if anything new had been posted - it's my "social-media" you could say.

Your flies look great!  Looking forward to seeing more!

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Welcome AZ Falconer. I've been tying since 1972 and one thing that I have learned is that you will always be finding new materials to tie with  and you never seem to have the " right" material on hand . Don't be afraid to experiment with all  types of materials old or new. My most successful flies that I've tied and fished with were patterns of my own design. Experiment and have fun. Endless opportunities await you.



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One thing that I forgot to mention is that you will receive so much information from all the members of this forum. I wish it was available to me in the beginning of my tying hobby.

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Welcome to the site!  You'll find it loaded with many fine and experienced tyers, fishers, rod builders, and just good folk.  I'm a born and bred central NYer.  I've been tying for over 50 years and hosting fly swaps going on 12 years now.  I look forward to seeing your posts as well as your development as a tyer.


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