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Neat Biot Trick

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I came a cross this sometime ago and just recently have put it to good use.




A great way to make working with biot a bit easier is to first have it readily accessible. A great way to do this is to make biot "trees". First you need a wooden dowel. Next, attach the biot strip at the top of the dowel with wire or tying thread. After securing the strip, spiral wrap the biot down the length of the dowel and tie it off at the end of the strip. This creates a nice "christmas tree" affect. What is more important, is that it makes getting the biot you need much easier, and it allows you to select the size you need. It also makes a neat conversation piece on the tying bench. Storing the trees is easy, just push the end into a block of foam and you're done!!!


Tight Lines...Big Daddy Loves Ya!!!!

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Got a picture of one of these "Trees" my brain works with visuals better than just descriptions baby.gif

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not handy..at the office...will try to get on one this weekend! you simply spiral the strip down the dowel, flat side of the strip against the wood, and the biots stick out like the limbs of an evergreen. Really simple, really neat look to it! I'll see if I can't get the pics on by Sunday...gonna be busy, but I promise to try!

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Never seen that trick before chris but i do like it alot.....when tyin stones thats gonna speed things up for me......nice tip!











P.S. honey!

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Now I get it wallbash.gif Neat trick I just wish the dog that we were sitting for hadnt eaten most of the feathers in my drawr

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I bet you won`t pet that dog for the rest of your life! Ok, well, can someone get a picture of where to find biots on a goose? I`m goin goose huntin in the mornin (saturday), and will be able to have them, and will get the biots, if I know how to. Thanks! Tight lines and good tyin!-redneck

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i believe they are on the front edge of the wing feathers not positive though

i got to get out for rabbit soon and hopefully i'll have a chance to go for pheasant

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Would you be interested in tradin for a pheasent tail and maybe some rabbit strips? I got a lifetime supply of deer hair, duck feathers, and have some goose biots. I also dove hunt, but don`t know if they`re used in anything. Just let me know! Thanks! Tight lines and good tyin!-redneck

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Well, I could give you a piece of 1' by 1'. It is not dyed, and I think I could give it to you, and if you want any feathers or anything you could have it. What would you give me for that? Thanks! Tight lines and good tyin!-redneck

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glad you fellas are swapping and talking, but I must ask you to move this conversation over to the Trading Floor...thanks, guys!



And SD, it does speed up the process quiet a bit...you don'

t have to go hunting sizes....you simply clip what you need!!!

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Good point Big Daddy. SDH, I`ll make a post in the tradin floor called SDHFLYFISHER, and you answer my question on that. Tight lines and good tyin!-redneck

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