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Non-rotary vise recommendations please?

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I almost always tie on a non-rotary vise. Well, not inline rotary anyway. Regal or HMH.

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2 hours ago, DWSmith said:

Looking for some recommendations for a non-rotary vise, just in case.

use the one you are currently tying on

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1 hour ago, flytire said:

use the one you are currently tying on

Been there.  Done that.  Got the scars but haven't bought the T-shirt. :D

No, seriously I could stick with it but I have a birthday coming up and thought about getting a vise made with a bit better quality than my Sunrise.  May get something other than a vise though.

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I like my HMH Spartan.  I like to tie winged wet flies, and this style of vise is more suitable to that than are the true rotary vises. Also, I can quickly and easily swap out the jaws to tie larger saltwater flies.  The standard jaws have a pretty good range though, and I can go up to 1/0 with those. I’ve always been intrigued by the Regal vises, but I think the HMH is the best choice for my tying. 

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The HMH Spartan is the one I really like the looks of but I wanted to hear from folks here about some vises, not just reviewers on Youtube.  Thanks all!  👍

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Dan, I just answered your PM, but wanted to post here also.

In my opinion, in that price range, though some may prefer the HMH over the Dyna-King, or visa versa, you won't get a bad vise.  

Again, in my opinion and in that price range, I would consider a true rotary vise.  From my experience, though the inline rotary feature is not essential to tying flies, it has some benefits that you may not miss until you don't have them.  

I wasn't looking to get a rotary vise and had the same opinion as you, thinking I would not use any of the rotary features.  Then I happened to pick up a cheap, inline rotary vise with a bunch of fly tying stuff at a yard sale.  Once I started using it, I knew I had to get a better one.  I got a Renzetti Traveler, I really like it.  

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Thanks for the PM.  Very helpful.

Traveller was at the top of my list IF I got a rotary vise and then I read about the Spartan.  It sounds like I couldn't go wrong with either one but I may be leaning towards the Traveller again.

So many Youtube reviewers mention how they don't use the rotary feature or very rarely use it so I thought I could do fine without it.  But maybe this is my opportunity to get one and try it out.

Other than that I could always duplicate Lefty Kreh's vise.  :D

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I  actually have both the Renzetti Traveller and the HMH Spartan.  Where the rotary feature is nice is when you’re tying certain saltwater flies and carp flies and want to flip the fly upside down and have it remain parallel to your work surface.  If I’m going to be doing a lot of that type of tying in one session, I can still do that on the HMH by changing the head angle to make it horizontal.  If it’s only a few flies, I don’t bother.  It’s easy enough to just take the fly out of the vise and flip it over.

I prefer the HMH overall due to having full access with my left hand for setting wings.  I use it for my everyday tying.  The Traveler now sits in my travel kit.

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21 hours ago, DWSmith said:

so many Youtube reviewers mention how they don't use the rotary feature or very rarely use it


While I don't always palmer hackle or other material up the body of the fly using the rotary feature, I pretty much use the rotary function in one way or another on every fly I tie: rotating to see the other side, rotating to apply head cement evenly, rotating to tie in material on the under or opposite side of the hook, etc., etc.   When I'm winding on a rib of tinsel or wire on a longer fly the rotary function really helps to get the ribbing evenly spaced - does that matter to the fish?  Probably not, but it matters to me.   

Is it necessary or essential?  No.  Would I miss having it?  Without a doubt.

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Of course we must remember that vises like the HMH are rotary vises, while not “true” rotary.  I think most tiers will use the rotary feature for the reasons that you mention above.

When tiers say they don’t use or rarely use the rotary feature, I think they are referring to rotary techniques.  Specifically, spinning the vise to wrap materials around the hook as opposed to winding the materials on with your hands.

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buy a renzetti traveler

use it as a rotary vise or lock it and use it as a stationary vise

best of both worlds

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The most prolific contributor to the monthly fly forum here consistently finishes his wet flies and streamers with beautiful flawless heads.  Using a rotary, especially an in line rotary vise and light cured acrylic (plus great tying skills) is one justification to go rotary.  Of course dozens of great tyers never tied on a rotary and some used primitive tools by today's standards.

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If it's the "to rotary or not-to rotary" aspect that has you going between vises, get a vise that offers true rotary. I use the rotary feature on 50-75% of the flies I tie. Sometimes for wrapping materials, and sometimes just for easier view of the opposite side. Like flytire said, you have both options with a rotary vise. 


IMO, the reason to get something like an HMH Spartan would be if you can't stand the position of the spindle on rotary vises. 

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