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9' 7wt 4pc

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18 hours ago, Bryon Anderson said:

Beautiful work as always! That wouldn't be the Rainshadow Eternity 2 blank by any chance, would it? 


It is one of the saltwater series (faster action) that I bring in directly. But honestly I would not doubt it is the same as the Batson one. I know for a fact that they use the same company for some of their blanks as I get mine from. Only they bring them in, rebrand it, and then mark them up 600% more than I do lol

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3 hours ago, Steeldrifter said:


It is one of the saltwater series (faster action) that I bring in directly. But honestly I would not doubt it is the same as the Batson one. I know for a fact that they use the same company for some of their blanks as I get mine from. Only they bring them in, rebrand it, and then mark them up 600% more than I do lol

Lol, sounds about right! (re: the markup). I was just curious because I just recently built a 9' 5 wt. on the Eternity 2 blank, and I'd never seen another blank of that exact color. I like the Eternity 2, it's super light in hand and very accurate. It's not as fast-action as I thought it would be, though. I had to step down from the Rio Outbound Short line I'd been using to something more true-to-line-weight; the Outbound Short was overpowering the rod. 

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