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Fly Tying

Au Sable 2024 daily pictures

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Made it up to Mio about 1pm yesterday. My buddy Mark is with me the first 2 days and then after he leaves tomorrow morning I'll be here all alone for the 3 weeks. Fished for about 3hrs yesterday evening and had a great time. Lots of iso's and cahills hatching right now with lots of 8"-12" bows last night jumping all over our dry flies.






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Little slower tonight but had a number of trout on dries this evening. I did lose one really nice trout right at dark. Rise was a nice solid slurp, set the hook and he took off directly across river with a lot of power snapping me off (my fault ). Haven't been fishing after dark yet because Mark's wading is not as steady as it use to be so only fishing till about 9:30. Starting tomorrow though I will be all alone so will be fishing well after dark and should get into bigger browns.






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Hiked about a mile down river to fish one of my favorite bends in the river. It's a nice deep bend that always has some walleye in it as well as trout. Got a nice walleye which I always think is cool to catch a walleye on flies/spey rod. Back relaxing for a bit and have lunch before heading out for the evening hatch and some dry fly fishing tonight.






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Absolutely beautiful beast of a brown trout on a dry fly tonight. Browns like this are what makes the Au Sable so special. When he took the fly just 15' in front of me it was a huge boil of a rise. He peeled line down river, across river, and lastly up river. After about 10 mins I finally slid the net under him and he barely even fit in the net. I was planning on fishing till 1am but there's no way I would catch a bigger one than this tonight, so came back early to relax and enjoy the memory he made for me.


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That is a beautiful fish, Steve.  Must have felt great.  

8 hours ago, Steeldrifter said:

I was planning on fishing till 1am but there's no way I would catch a bigger one than this tonight, so came back early to relax and enjoy the memory he made for me.

That's the proper way to do it!

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Couple hours pulling streamers on the river this morning. Got a few nice bows all about this size. Not bad for such a hot/sunny/windy day. Had a true "expert fisherman" sitting on a log watching me all morning 😁 Time to relax, watch some movies & tie some flies, and wait till the evening hatch to head back out tonight.




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Rough night tonight, but the good thing about long trips is that there are many more nights to come. Not much rising tonight, not much hatching, was looking fwd to the hatch/rises to pick up after full darkness, but went to turn my headlamp on and nothing happened. Must have got pushed on while in my backpack at some point and drained the battery. So had to come back early tonight.

Did manage one "decent" brown. And lost a nice rainbow that was about the same size. Ah well, now I can get some extra rest and be ready for tomorrow night with more energy.



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Another spectacular night on the Au Sable. Early part of the evening was full of 10"-12" long rainbows jumping all over my hex & iso nymph rig under an indicator. Then about dark I switched to an iso dun dry and had about an hour of big fish rising from 10-11pm. Shut right off at 11pm, but I already had a great night by then, so just got back to the motel and gonna tie up some more flies for tomorrow night for a bit.
BTW the animals up here this year are sure tryin to give me a heart attack. I had a big giant fat racoon literally almost run right into me walking the path back from the river tonight... talk about jump starting your heart.

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