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Herring for my spey

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I live near the Hudson River in Albany NY. I am a steelhead nut first but we have a spawning run of stripers. Now the water is usually cold and muddy, and the weather is usually nasty and most of the big fish are taken on live herring which also use the river to spawn at the same time. I have been successful at taking shad on the fly but so far I have not taken a striper. (That's 1 "P") I plan in taking some time with the spey rod and swinging these in pursuit of my goal since the Hudson is a giant canal up here. I have some heavy tips and heavy flouro, now I have the flies though they are a bit small in my opinion since the herring at this time of year are fully grown and spawning, I don't see a hungry cold striper passing up an easy meal given the chance. Wish me luck, they will be here soon.

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Good luck, and great flies, Im sure if its too nasty you know where to go to find the place for the other with two P's

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