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Fly Tying

Black Stonefly

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Perfect! Buggy and a realistic profile, I like that fly alot!!!




Hi Graham, thanks for your opinion!

Like this strongly weight nymph i fishing in Bulgarian high mountain rivers for brown trout.

Here is similar from my flybox :

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There is here step by step photos to another my stonefly nymph



Here is the lively insect on my hand.

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Distant greetings from Sofia, capital of minor Bulgaria.

Best regards. :)




P.S. This is my first attempt show my fly here аnd i have a little inconvenience between the big fixers.

(Excuse for my bad english)

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Hi mikostanev,


I have strong feeling you are able to decieve many fine fish with your flies. I look forward to seeing more!




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Hi mikostanev,


I have strong feeling you are able to decieve many fine fish with your flies. I look forward to seeing more!





Hi Graham,


Unfortunately stoneflyes are meet only in our clear high mountain river and creek while

mayflyes and caddisflyes predominate in our rivers and theirs nymphes are being chosen by me .


I like small numbers to imitate the nymph of BWO, PMD,PED.


Here is some me prosperity mayflies nymphes

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Imitation of caddis larva and caddis pupa are much successful for chub and trout too.

Here is my favourite

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Here is my collection of nymphs



This is a part of my nymph box

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With kind regards,







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Wow, those are some impressive flies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I bet you can pick every pocket clean on your streams!!!


I truly enjoy looking at your fly boxes.



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Simply fantastic!!! those are some great looking flies, very well done and thanks for sharing the picts with us!!!

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Hi everybody,


Thank you for rating of my flytying level - I start flytying 3 years ago.


I afford share a big pictures of my nymph flybox (two "okuma" stay always in pocket of my vest)

on links below








I am very happy to write in this considerable forum for flyfishing

and hope to learn new things from all of you.




Best to you all,

Michail Stanev

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I love um!! those are sweet lookin flies mike. lots of great natural, and realistic shapes and forms. many of them look like they are in motion!! very nice

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