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Fly Tying

Here's Lookin' At You Swap

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Got flies in the mail today from billb. Very nice bunch of flies. Everyone will enjoy these.


Thanks for confirming receipt -- glad you like 'em.



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Got flies in the mail today from Batman. Fantastic tie that I intend to upsize for bass fishing. Thanks for the extra, Batman.

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Are you talking to me, Catalpa Joe? :D I have had my Carter's Dragons finished for several days. They are toe tagged & in the Altoids box ready to mail. I finally was able to get by Walmart today to pick up some mailers & I hope to get them in the mail tomorrow.


Take care



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OK. I finally got my flies for the swap into the mail today. Perhaps a word of explanation about this pattern is in order. This pattern is one of six designed by Carter Nelson as a fly to catch large bluegills deep in the heat of Summer. These six patterns are highly recommended by the guides at Callaway Gardens. The fly is tied, according to directions, on a 9671 size 10 hook. The hook shank has been bent at about a 30 degree angle, bringing the down-turned eye and the point of the hook closer together. The bent hook shank and the position of the eyes are intended to make the hook ride in a point-up position. It is also recommended that this fly be attached to the line with a loop knot, such as a Duncan Loop to allow the fly to have more movement. I hope you will find it to be an effective addition to your arsenal.


To see other flies in this series, go to the following link:





Thanks, Catalpa Joe, for hosting.



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