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surface lures

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i was wondering if you can reccomend a suface lure for me?


i do alot of flyfishing for rainbow trout in my local lake, if the weather suits it i will most of the time use the muddler, i strips it as fast as i can and the fish go crazy for it.


i just love to see the fish chasing it, its better than using wetflies or drieflies'' there is alot of people that fish this lake, and now my secret fly has become common knowledge...


i dont mind them using the same method as me, whats happning now is alot of the fish that they are hooking are getting of, now my catch rate has gone down because to many are using this method.. now i have to change the type of lure and i thinking is there a lure that i will be able to strip fast it also has to float because its the wake the fly makes that i think attracts them?


thanks to you all






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It's hard for me to picture a muddler minnow as a secret fly. It's one of the most common patterns out there, and it was probably only a matter of time before other anglers tried it and found it to be successful on that body of water.


Other suggestions? If they're willing to chase down a muddler, they're probably willing to chase down small streamers. I know that these aren't surface flies, but if the fish are getting conditioned to not strike a muddler on the surface, they may be conditioned to be leery of anything moving that way on the surface.


I think that your best bet is to fish small streamers just under the surface.

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thanks men for your replies




i know the muddler isn't a secret fly, its just the people i flyfish with never heard of lures, they always use wets/dries.


i first introduced lures on my local lakes 10 years ago, and my catch rate was above everyone else'' they always asked what i was using, i told them but they never heard of these lures. i was also catching with the cats whiskers double figure fish, while the wetflie fisherman was catching the average size fish 1lb/2lb it wasn't luck, it was the way i was using the lures with a fast strip.


i do use wets/dries sometimes, but thrill for me is watching that bow wave in front of the fly when i strip the lure.


have you got any patterns that i could tie?


thanks again gentlmen wink.gif

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One of my favorite flies for trout in lakes and ponds is a streamer made on a size 10 hook

Golden pheasant crest tail

Red Chennile butt

Black embroidery floss body

Black mariboo wing

Couple of turns of yellow hackle up front.


I don't know why they like it so much but they do. Fish it unweighed and it will usually just sit on the surface like a dry but then start to strip it to draw more attention to it.


Ken cool.gif

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Well this isn't a surface lure either but a black or black and olive wooley bugger is probably one of the most versital "lures" of all time headbang.gif

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