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The Eastern Swap

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The Eastern swap.


Sign in as "I'm in" 12 Flies. The fly that tightens your line in the east. First 12 in.

Officially starts May 1st. You can sign up early.

Due date is June 10

Remember to tell what fly you are going to create. Any fly, any type. Dry,wet,nymph etc....

Swap Rules apply.

Canadian Hosted so Internationals and Americans take note of postage costs.



1) rich5665 - ant pattern Size 16 -ADDY - apr28 SENT - may4 RECEIVED!!!!!!!- AT THE DOOR

2) yellow bomber - Yellow Bomber aka: The Dungarvon Whooper - ADDY -may20 SENT -may22 RECEIVED- AT THE DOOR

3) ibian - male brook trout pattern - ADDY -june 8 SENT - june12 RECEIVED -GOING WITH RSVP

4) lykos33 - McPhails' Buzzers - ADDY -may20 SENT- may22 RECEIVED - AT THE DOOR

) salmo-salar - Blue charms - ADDY - june 1 SENT - june4 RECEIVED - AT THE DOOR

6) mouse6196 - Size 16 CDC Elk Hair Caddis.- ADDY -may22 SENT -may 29 RECEIVED - AT THE DOOR

7) Ridleyffo - extended body BWO dry mayfly,14s or 16s, dryflypurist's design - ADDY - june5 SENT -june15 RECEIVED - AT THE DOOR

8) Fontinalis - size 8 GreenWell's Glory wet flies NO REPLY

9) atroutbum2 - brown and white bivisible -ADDY - may30 SENT - june 8 RECEIVED

10) Houndog - TBD- IN THE MAIL - june9 RECEIVED

11) mdntn - famous TBD - NO REPLY

12) Student4evr - Adams Stillwater Skater size 16 or 18 -june 8 SENT - june 18 RECEIVED

swapmeister -

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Due Date? Is the swap just for the East Canada Tiers or can East Coast Americans join in?

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Duh!! I can read :whistle: Didn't see the June 10th in the header. You know what Horseshoes, I'm getting old.


I'm in - To Be Determined.

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I'm in, Canada postage only :yahoo:. Open to suggestions for eastern flies, Streamers etc??

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I'm in - Yellow Bomber aka: The Dungarvon Whooper


Just to clarify, it's one fly per tyer not 12 right?


You'll send in 12 and get 12 assorted ones back, tonnes of fun.

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I'm in, Canada postage only :yahoo:. Open to suggestions for eastern flies, Streamers etc??



It is ok I am Canadian. You will only need Canadian postage.

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Im in. 12 Blue charms. Hope you guys salmon fish :)


Not yet. But I will be in October. Trips in the planning.

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