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Fly Tying

Pick a fly... Any fly!

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Hey guys.

If you could only take one fly out with you to pursue Steelies or Salmon, which would you take? In other words, what is your all around best producer?


Mine would probably have to be an egg immitation. wink.gif

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Pink Bunny Leech. My all time leading producer. Have caught every species of fish in the NW that I've pursued with it, even those I didn't try to pursue with it. It is by far my best catching fly.

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Jerry I have heard you preach about the pink bunny leeches so I'm in the process of tying a few for the fall Steelie run. We will see if they like em as much as in the PNW wink.gif


As far as favorites go I would have to choose a #8 brown bugger for the Lake Erie trips in PA

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i would have to say a stone fly of any color. brown, black or even a tan/yellow.


next would be a egg sucking leach with a purple body and a fuscia head

then of the course the old standby egg fly

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LOL Will. You may want to tie it down a bit. Not sure about those GL fish, especially working egg patterns usually. But mine are a good 4" long. Sometimes tied articulated or on a tube so the hook sits alot lower (actually like tying string leeches for the big ones). Let me know how it goes. If you want, can send you some of my PNW specials. biggrin.gif

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Yea Jerry I have been tying a few in 6's and 8's. I figure if they hit a bugger that size a bunny leech is really no bigger using the same hooks dunno.gif

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fly 1 i like the look of that. and it looks easy to tie, thanks for bringing that to our attention

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Yes it is very fast and easy to tie, my best luck comes with ones tied with white goose biots for salmon and steelhead. I just tied a mess for this weeks fishing as the salmon start to move up our local rivers so I hope to nail a few tomorrow morning.


Ken cool.gif

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Usually a dead drift or sometimes I will use an indicator. Basically the same as any nymph style fishing.


Ken cool.gif

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