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Fly Tying
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tying material

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I get foam, doll eyes, craft fur, chenille, beads, bead chain, and yarns at the craft stores. They also sell scrafs made from marabou but I have so much marabou that I never bought one. I have seen some nice tanned rabit skins if you are up to the task of cutting your own strips.



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I buy a lot of stuff at craft stores and sewing stores. that is because there is NO local fly shop, the nearest ones are either about 140 miles west of me in Houston or 140 iles east of me in Baton Rouge (I live in Lake Charles, LA). So instead of spending tons on gas, I look for substitutes at craft stores and sewing shops. I buy beads, foam, markers, yarns (lots of intersting new ones coming out lately), chenille, plastic tubing and colored plastic bead stringing material, and whatever else strikes my fancy as potentially usefull. At the last meeting of our flytying club I was reorganizing my bags o fly tying materials, and one of our members commented that there was very little "standard tying material in there. Another place I find useful for materials is the dollar store. The local one (Dollar Tree) often has lots of useful stuff for the types of flies I tie. The rest of the stuff I need usually gets ordered from reputable internet sources. (Often I have met and know the propietors personally).


Mark Delaney

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Buy lots of stuff too. Pretty much most of it has already been listed. But they have a great assortment of Krenik flosses and such, which I use for tying up my woven bodies (in fact they actually have a flyfishing floss if you look). Beads, beadchain, foam, you name it. Especially the peacock swords. SOOOOOOOO cheap. Vinyl ribbing, you gotta buy it there. You can buy the SAME stuff Orvis sells for about $2 for about 5' there. Comes in clear, glow in dark, purple with flash inside, and green with flash inside for about $5 for 200'. LOL. I usually buy a 200' spool and give most of it away.

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