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And no I'm not talking about that shiny spot on the top of your head. tongue.gif


As another year is drawing to a close, how have you grown/improved as a tyer? for me from the help of this site, I've gone into areas of tying that I wouldn't have ventured into. Signing up for a swap, and then trying to figure out what to tie and tie it has been a big challenge for me.


New skills:


spinning deer hair

using a dubbing spinner

salmon/steelhead hairwing flies

baitfish patterns


Anyone else had a good year of tying growth?



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I havenever tied a steelhead or salmon fly,utill becoming a member here.Doing so has improved my tying greatly.I have learned tons of stuff.

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I have tied some small fly patterns, 22-26, olives, midges, and tricos. It has really caused me to think about things like thread management, material placement, and precision (making every wrap count). I also got some reading glasses.

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Never would have even tried a hairwing salmon fly without the help of some of the guys on this site.


Overall my tying is alot better that it was before i came here! still not great but getting better all the time.



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Well, I just started tying last January and the biggest improvement is my material inventory wink.gif A distant but important second is learning to whip finished by hand.

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I've learned a ton of stuff in the past year. I have done everything from spinning and stacking, learnt tons of new patterns, and now am learning to find and use new materials for tying modern patterns.


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I finally responded to one of those emails I get all the time but I haven't seen any signifigant growth yet. ive_been_ripped.gif

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I finally responded to one of those emails I get all the time but I haven't seen any signifigant growth yet.


lol.gif lol.gif

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Mr. Mullis thanks for the response we will get a team of workers on your problem asap...its just that we have yet to encounter such a drastic case as yours and we are having to up the dosage to a level that would kill a horse.



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Your right, I'll bring it back on course laugh.gif


Actually I would say I haven't progressed as much as I probably could have. I have learned alot over the past year but I haven't been able to practice the techniques like I should. Hopefully this winter I will make up for lost time.

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Well it if hadn't been for this site I probably wouldn't have had the oportunity of getting a good education on salmon fishing on the PM. I wouldn't have met up with "steeldrifter". Which means I'd be wondering the forest in Baldwin lost. sad.gif If I hadn't met up with steve on this site I probably wouldn't have met him at all. I mean..come on.... you guys that have met him gotta admit, if you came across this guy at 3am on the river and didn't know him you would go running thru the woods screaming for help. wink.gif

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I can say I really improved over the last two month,(only been tying that long)I can hardly wait to see what a year is like.



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I think as long as you keep tying, you will improve. Think we all gain, the more time we spend at the bench. If you've been doing it 20 days or 20 years. I know I've improved. Been doing more work on fully dressed salmon flies. That area has improved alot. Getting there.

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Though far from a great tyer I know the help on this site has helped me improve and expand my skills. I never would of tied a hair wing but taking the opportunity to join a hair wing swap gave me the chance to experiment a bit and now I think I can tie one at least to the point a fish may think it is tasty.



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