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Custom Fly Art

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Recently I finally decided to get something done I've oogled at for so long. I got a digital painting done by Matthew Cousineau from http://www.customflyart.com/. I had Matthew digitally paint a fly I created for Paul over at Franken Fly (www.frankenfly.com) that I naturally called Franken Shrimp. The painting turned out AWESOME. Cant wait to display it in a frame with the fly!

This photo of course has a watermark and less pixels to try and eliminate any copy issues.


In short check both sites out. You wont be sorry.



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I might have posted these before ... they are not mine, and I don't know who the original artist was. He's not nearly as good as Matthew Cousineau, but it IS fly art.







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Mike I love those pictures!


Feathers5.. he basically paints a picture via a program using a stylus for a brush. Its pretty cool!

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That looks pretty cool, nice thing to hang up Ben.


Mike, that House Fly art is pretty funny stuff!


Ben, does he use a photograph as the base? It really looks like an altered photograph, where he takes away the background and paints different features to make the fly come alive and really vibrant. He's certainly does good work.



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Kirk, I dont think he uses much of the actual photograph based on the "work in progress" pictures he was sending me. I think people had a misconception that he was just really good at messing with photoshop, but I believe its actually art! Although, the more I mess with photoshop the more I feel like that is art too..or just a pain in the a$$.


Read Paul's article on Franken Fly where he interviews Matthew Cousineau from Custom Fly Art. Its a little insight and some cool pictures. http://www.frankenfly.com/matthew-cousineau-custom-fly-art/

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Ben, Photoshop has so many tools for commercial artists that a photographer will never ever need or delve into. I think that is why Adobe came out with Lightroom. Speaking of which, if you're just editing pictures, Lightroom is the greatest tool I've ever used. Photoshop have more versatility if you know what you're doing but for processing an image, you should check out Lightroom. Its very user friendly and very effective. If I have any complex adjustments to make on a particular photo, I'll call it up in Photoshop after making the basic adjustments.

I'll have to check out the interview on Frankenfly.



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Ben, Photoshop has so many tools for commercial artists that a photographer will never ever need or delve into. I think that is why Adobe came out with Lightroom. Speaking of which, if you're just editing pictures, Lightroom is the greatest tool I've ever used. Photoshop have more versatility if you know what you're doing but for processing an image, you should check out Lightroom. Its very user friendly and very effective. If I have any complex adjustments to make on a particular photo, I'll call it up in Photoshop after making the basic adjustments.

I'll have to check out the interview on Frankenfly.




Hmm lightroom? Thats a new one for me! Ill have to check it out! I used to have photoshop and I barely even touched the surface of its capabilities. The nicest thing about it though was the multitude of tutorials and walk-throughs I could find online. I often considered taking a class to get better at it but always found myself spending the money on tying material instead (priorities I suppose).


FrankenFly is a kicka$$ blog and website. I have had two stories on there and found Paul just awesome to work with.

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Hmm lightroom? Thats a new one for me! Ill have to check it out! I



You can do a 30 day trial on it. It's a nice piece of software.

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