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Fly Tying

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In my short fly fishing experience I have become a big fan of the clouser minnow. It catches everything and is super quick and simple to tie. My problem is I am having a difficult time casting them. I can't seem to get those tight loops during the cast as I do with a small fly or nymph. I am tying them on size 10 2XH 3XL and size 8 2Xh 2XL hooks with 5/32 brass eyes. I am fishing them on a five weight wfw with a 5X tippet. Is there I problem with my fly components, my fly rod setup or a combination of both. Or possibly is it simply something I have to adjust for in my casting. I get out for 2 to 3 hours 4 times a week and I am becoming very comfortable with my casting but clousers seem to be giving me more trouble then the other flys i tie. Thanks for any suggestions.

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I would suggest that on the 5 weight rod you might be pushing the boundries of your set up. I would start with increasing my tippet/leader diameter and see if this helps. Also shortening it to around 9ft. If this works then great.

BUT heavier flies generally like a more open loop. If you have a rod that is mid flex/mid to tip flex it will want to cast a more open loop than a tip flex one. Opening your loop stops the weighted fly hitting your rod and helps prevent tangles.

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Tight loops are over rated. They are required for maximum distance, but that's about all. I also don't recommend them when nymphing. Especially with an indicator and/or multiple flies. Accuracy should always be your main concern.


Having said that, a heavier rod, correct line (maybe Rio's Clouser or similar), shorter and stiffer leader / tippet (I'd use about 5' total) will all help in the presentation of a heavy streamer.


You might even try replacing the tapered leader, which I assume you use, with 12 to 15 pound mono or fluorocarbon level line.

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I am using a tapered leadered. Seems I maxed out the 5wt. Maybe a good excuse to go get a 6 or 7 wt. what would one recommend for casting clousers. I mainly fly fish for warm water fish since that's what I have in abundance in my local area. Not really a trout fishermen since that requires a bit of travel while being short on time but I do see it in the future.

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Tight loops are over rated.........Accuracy should always be your main concern.


Agreed! Big difference in weight & requires adjustment to your casting. Opening up the loops is not a bad thing with the heavier flies.


Certainly a heavier rod would help, but if casting distances are sufficient for you to be catching fish with the 5 wt, then there may not be need to change. Unless of course, you want to add a heavier outfit anyway. rolleyes.gif


The Clousers you're describing, IMO are not what I would consider heavy. I've thrown much larger & heavier with my 6 wt, just not any great distance as has been said. I don't worry about tight loops, I could care less as long as I can get the distance I need, and accuracy. My casting with such heavy flies isn't pretty, but neither am I, so it's not important to me. The end result is my focus. I don't bang flies into my rod either, a sure way to break them! blink.png


You may not even have to change lines, although a line like the Rio that heavynets mentioned, might improve the situation. I would try his other suggestions first, but go heavy with the leader/tippet. If you use a tapered leader that's fine, but try something like might be recommended for a 9 or 10 wt, and keep it rather short. I like 6 ft or less. When I tie my own leaders I start with 40, 50 or 60 lb butt sections, (.024" to .027" diameter line) and often 15 to 25 lb test tippets, even for my 6 wt when my intention is to cast heavily weighted flies. Most manufactured leaders are not heavy enough IMO, particularly if you buy what's recommended for the rod weight, as they don't take into account the heavy weights of flies tied with barbell type eyes.

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interesting, size 8 and 10 with those small eyes really should not be any issue with a 5wt, i will cast up to a 1/0 with large eyes and this is where it gets clunky on the 5. *shrug* i dunno, some good ideas here, do you double haul?

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I agree with Jim and Mike. You shouldn't have a problem casting Tiny Clousers with a 5wt. There are a lot of different kinds of flies, and they all require subtle differences in casting techniques. The #1 solution is to practice, practice, and practice some more. BTW - I've been fly fishing for 50 years, and I don't have the slightest idea how tight my loops are. All I'm looking at is my target and how much line I need to hit it. It's like golf - there are no points for style - all that counts is the result.

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Stop using 5x tippet on clousers or any streamers. Use a least a 2x and 7.5' tippet. I wouldn't worry about getting a tight loop at all as like its been mentioned as being over rated.

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Tighter loops with lead eyes can also lead to the fly clipping the rod tip and fracturing it, especially with an on shoulder breeze.

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