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Fly Tying
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Bruce Derington

3 for fishin

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Those Look amazing! How did you do the beaks? And where is the eye of the hook or where do you tie on to it? I can't see it in the photos.

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Those Look amazing! How did you do the beaks? And where is the eye of the hook or where do you tie on to it? I can't see it in the photos.

If you look closely, the head is tied in on the side of hook (running parallel to to the eye of back hook). The head wiggles back and forth, so you tie to eye of the 4/0 hook with a Duncan (uni) knot, or a Rapala knot.



Beak is built up using Clear cure goo

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I'm one of those cursed lurkers, but that is an awesome fly. How difficult would it be to post picts of the fly being made, or better yet, a video?

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I'm one of those cursed lurkers, but that is an awesome fly. How difficult would it be to post picts of the fly being made, or better yet, a video?

Its very easy for your request, go to rusuperfly.com, and you can purchase the Merganser video that has step by step

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