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problems with this website

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This website has had a glitch for me over the past 2 weeks where i have to exit a post to change what page of the post I am on. This has been particularly annoying for the August flies post. Has anyone had this happen before who can help.

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I have been complaining about this issue ever since they made the change. No one seems to be able to do anything about it and some ,(who don't have the problem), are somewhat disbelieving that the problem even exists.


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I noticed on desktop there is no prev or next choices that are on the mobile version at the top and bottom of each page.  I can’t find a way to go from mobile to desktop( full site) anymore.     What happened?   This is pic of mobile.   Where can you go to full site?



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Do you both use your telephone to browse? I think we've narrowed it down to that. Try on a mainframe and see if you still have the problem. I also believe one guy was able to fix his problem by changing a setting.

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What browser are you guys using? There has to be something in common. Everything works fine for me.

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3 hours ago, shoebop said:

some ,(who don't have the problem), are somewhat disbelieving that the problem even exists.

Not true.  We all believe the problem exist for you.  We're not sure it's a problem with the site, since it's not affecting everyone.  In fact, it seems to only be affecting a few.

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I’ve had problems when trying to move to a different page when using my I pad.

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I have had the problem with my phone, it's super annoying, neither Firefox or Chrome work right.  I also have trouble commenting unless I zoom in and click on the comment box no zooming=not being able to click.

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I also have this issue on my laptop. I'm using Google Chrome like so many others.

What I started doing was right click on the next page number then opening it as another tab. A small pain in the ass, but it does work. However I would like to see the issue fixed.

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18 minutes ago, troutbum said:

A lot of people have had this and other problems but mods just pooh pooh it.  "We dont have the problem so it must be your fault" 

Maybe if this post gets enough responses they'll notice.

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FWIW, it affected me when I used an I-phone earlier this week, with the Safari browser.  This is not a problem for me, as I generally use my desktop. I'm just letting letting "the powers that be" know.

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It's mostly just annoying to me I'm not going to stop using the site or anything like that but I feel that it may push newer members or people who are looking for a good flytying forum away. 

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