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Fly Tying
Landon P

Self/ad shot thing

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7 hours ago, Bill_729 said:


As a "buyer", a closeup of a well-tied fly or two would be what I was looking for.

Oh, he's got plenty of those on Instagram.  Nice, too.👍

However, this would be a good time for Landon to explore the techniques and organizational approach of real production flytyers should he intend to follow through with what the obligations and commitments in the ad represent.  It's a different kind of flytying.

Those muddy water jig ideas he has might sell in large batches to the crappie crowd, especially if he takes custom orders.  Lotta vise time, though, albeit way better than filling spun & packed deer hair orders.😧   Still don't know how anyone does those at a price.



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