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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by JoshVandermeer

  1. Hey Josh..........have you done well with the white eggs??? Never gave them much of a thought.....I do use cream and pale yellow suckerspawn........and white / red, white / orange suckerspawn...........but never a white egg.....guess there would be certain times when a salmon egg would be white???


    actually I used to tie them way back when I first started tying when I didn't know which colours to tie, and its end up that white works really well, specially with the green dot. Also good for salmon too.

  2. Josh,

    You seem like a proficient tyer.....why not come up with your own little "pattern"?


    I did some research on the streams I fish for steel, investigated the stoneflies, then tied a few generic patterns that have the right parts and they worked just fine.


    Plus if you have your own set of "patterns" that no one can buy anywhere, you have a little bit of edge on other anglers. You will also be showing the steel something different, which can go a long way when steelheading.


    The one I tie has biots for the tail, a simple dubbed body wrapped with wire for the abdomen. Swiss straw for the wingcases with a clump or two of rabbit fur for the gills/legs. Antennae made of biots tied on before the bead is put on the shank, then the bead is slid up for the head. Rust is one of my favorite colors along with black and brown.


    Good luck!!



    yeah i do something similar to that but not with a bead, im gonna give that a try tho. Sometimes I'll put hackle for legs if I'm doing larger sized ones.



    In my neck of the woods, we have very good luck with Prince Nymphs in sizes #6-#10 for steelhead. I like to tie a Prince nymph with a slightly oversized red bead head and bright red wire ribbing. The Kaufman's Stonefly is another great pattern.


    Ive got a bunch of size 10 bead headed princes tied up for the spring, only I've got gold beads. Do you ever use prince nymphs without beads? I've been debating whether or not I should tie some like that.


    I sorta do my own take on the kauffman stone, mostly cause the goose quill part is a pain in the butt.


    I'll tie it on a size 8 - 12 scud hook, biots for a tail, dubbing for body with that stretchy black ribbing stuff, then ill cut 3 pieces sorta like the shape they do on kauffmans stone and tie those in, then ill put two more biots.

  3. I'm 17. Been Bass fishing since i was 4, which is my favourite type of fishing (sorry guys), but I have been fly fishing for salmon and steel head for a year and a half (best decision I have ever made) and I cant get enough of it, close close second to to bass fishing. I've also been tying for a year. I live 5 minutes from the creek so I usually hit it about 3-4 times a week when they are running. All my friends thing I'm obsessed. It is very true that there are not very many young fly fishermen. I only know couple around my age that fly fish, but they don't do it that much either, they mainly float fish.

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