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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by willie

  1. They got it right, you have to use really strong thread. Another way to make the foam thinner and stick is to shave your foam sheet in half. These will make it half the size in thickness. Do this with a few colors and then glue one color on top of the other. Use a natural color and a bright color on your fly, with the natural color on the bottom and the bright color on top for visiblity. Now how you have to do is cut to shape and tie onto hook. Another hint for making an effective chernobyl always put tons of rubber legs on the fly. The rubber legs not only help give the action to the fly which makes so deadly, but they help it float by relasing water tension.

  2. Hey Jeremi, trust me man trout love a splat in the water when grasshoppers are present. From a trouts point of view, when they hear a plop they instantly think of an easy meal. In some cases I've noticed that a large plop on the water will get the most wary trout out from under their holes. Although in some cases a light weight hopper can be very effective when the trout are in shallow riffles. I spend a lot of my time a rough water though so the foam comes in real handy. I guess it's just a matter of the water you are fishing, but If I were you I would give a chernoble ant or Henry's Fork hopper a try.

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