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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by Ghartung1

  1. I don't tie them that small anymore but I still have some of the Tiemco size 30 and 32's. The only pattern I tied on them was a pattern I came up with that I call the Wissahickon midge. Here's a picture of one tied on a size 20. I didn't take the picture Hans Weilenmann did.


    attachicon.gif wissahickon_midge1.jpg


    The body is two small CDC feathers, one black one rusty brown, tied in by the tips, twisted together and wrapped as the body. The wing is CDC barbules stripped from the feather tied in then trimmed even with the back of the hook. It's been a very effective fly for me here in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast for trout. The problem with tying it on a size 30 or 32 is it can be very tedious and frustrating as the body is a few long barbules of each color stripped from the feather tied in and wrapped for the body and then a few barbules of white for the wing. I only tied two for fishing on the Tiemco size 32. They both caught me a fish. Unfortunately they were sunfish which beat the trout I was trying to catch to the fly. Problem was I couldn't find the flies in the sunfishes' mouth so I cut the tippet and let them go. Last time I ever fished a size 32. For tippet I think I was using 10X though there's an outside possibility it was 7x or 8x. It was several years ago. When you're tying flies that small, you can't be OCD. It requires minimal materials. A very small bead head, thread body, very fine wire wrapped as a rib would be a simple tie. I used 10/0 thread to tie the size 32. I don't think it's on line anymore back in the early 2000's Hans W came up with a box of the Mustad size 32 hooks which he sent out to tyers he knew, including me, and asked us to tie a fly on one for what he called his "Smallest Fly Project". He took pictures and put them up on his web site at that time. I believe the pictures were lost when he changed servers because I can't find them on line anymore. There were some very nice flies tied for the "project". Good Luck tying on them.


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