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Here are a few sculpins. Been fortunate to be able to test out the Sculpin Helmets before their unveiling at AFFTA.









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Are those helmets by the same company that came out with fish skulls? Those are some pretty flies you have there, and I bet they're super effective.

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I was fortune enough to attend the AFFTA and see examples of "helmeted" sculpens and to obtain a few.


They are really neat.


You're all gunna' want some of these!

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Those tyes are great.I love the fish skulls,need to get the sculpin helmet.


Tight lines,

Bryan "salty fly"

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Im not sure what Martin has planned as far as shows. Ill have them soon.

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A hearty congratulation, bye-the-way! You have every right to be walking tall and proud.


I have a question… I do not know of a single animal (with bones) that does not recognize eyes. Do you see a discernable quantity strike difference while fishing with flys with / without reconizable eyes??

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Good question. I think it makes a difference on patterns that represent forage fish and baitfish but have caught fish on streamers that dont have eyes. Probably depends on a lot of factors, like water clarity, turbidity, etc..

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It may be interesting to make a mental note. ..Or, doing an actual control group (like flys with/without reconizable eyes) may be a good way to learn a little more about "what fish see". By actual control grouping I mean have a couple of "no eyes" handy and do a quick test in an area that is already hot on "eyed flys". I'm thinking to be ready to do the same ...when the fishing turns around. We can report back to the forum if we do or do not see any realistic differences.

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those are wickedly cool.ill be waiting for them to become available rich mc

The Helmets are available, as well as the Articulated Shanks. :)

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