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Deer Hair

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I have two FULL deer hides sitting my garage. One of them was dropped tonight, while the other is still on the deer. I am going to keep some for myself off of one of the hides, but the rest is up for grabs.


You will need to find someone to tan them for you or I can tan them. If I do it, it will be a few month's before you get them.


Let me know.




*if I do the tanning, their might be a small fee, have to think about it*


Please post here and not in a PM or Email. I will check this thread daily.




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I would be willing to pay you to tan some as long as it is not too much money. You can get one tanned by a taxidermist for relatively cheap, it may be worth your hassle to have it done. That being said, I would like to get some nice belly hair, and perhaps other sections. Figure out how much it is going to cost and let me know.






Congrats on the deer.



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I will get in touch with a few Taxidermist, and see how much they charge for tanning.


A buddy of mine from work has a younger brother who is into mounting, and said that they send their hides all the way to cali for a "rough tan". At first they were only charging $55, now they are charging $95 per hide ohmy.gif bs.gif He told me what I needed to buy and would only cost me, at the most, $10.


I don't know, maybe their won't be a fee, just shipping and handling dunno.gif

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As some may know already I am a licensed taxidermist...So here are some tips in tanning a hide (any species) relatively cheap...


When you get your raw hide, (wet and right off the meat, or if it was frozen then thawed) get a board, plywood, anything but plastic...Then scrape as much meat off as you can, and also the membrane, on this step you don't have to be fancy or spend alot of time...Then get salt, (kitchen salt) and spread it on freely, don't be cheap with it, doesn't cost much...If your keeping the head on your hide make sure the eyes and ear base area are covered well...Walk away from this for 24 hours...


Next day, shake out the salt, see if any membranes or meat that you couldn't cut off from the night before are stiffened well enough to cut off at this point...


NOTE: Some of the salt from the night before will not be soaked in blood or wet, so if you can scoop up some salt, great, save it for the second salting...At this time resalt...Once again walk away for another 24 hours...This kills the bacteria and also sets the hair from slippage and makes fleshing the hide easier...


On the third day, decide how you want this hide, whether in pieces or strips, I would recommend if your leaving it in pieces dont make the pieces small yet, the hide is easier to tan in larger pieces...If you want them in strips, you can cut them now to make it easier to handle later...Then get a bucket, or a tub (no metal) and soak the hide until the hide looks like it is in the raw state again, or pliable, if the hide is bloody, now is the time to take some dish liquid and scrub the hide until the dirt or blood is out...Take it out, disguard that water (remember always cold water), and keep rinsing the hide if you used the dish liquid until the soap is washed out of the hide...Then get some fabric softener and put about 1/2 cup in a full size deer hide and cover the hide once again with cold water...Let this soak for about 30 minutes...Take it out and let it hang until the drips stop...Some people have access to a garage vise and they put a dull axe with the blade up in the vise and start running across the hide (side to side) working in small areas to remove any membranes or veins remaining...This also thins the hide...Becareful not to blow thru the hide...This takes time...If you don't have access to a vise, thats ok, just remove any membrane or veins, pieces of fat by hand...


If you want a soft tan hide, call around for veal brains or cow brains, mash it up and rub it in as much as you can...stretching the hide as you go along...The more you stretch a hide the softer that hide will be...After you cover all the areas, stretch it around again, and cover it for the night, the next day, same process, just stretch it, working the hide to break the fibers in the hide...Keep doing this as it dries, and as it is drying you will see how supple your hide is turning out...The hide will turn a golden brown, and very soft...


If you don't really care about softness, then get in your local grocery store, 20 mule team borax, after the washing, let it drip dry and pour the borax on until every inch is covered...This is a quicker way, cheaper also, less stretching,but the hide will come out like a board...


If anyone needs further help, or has questions, just ask me, more than happy to help ya's out...


BTW...If you shoot the animal you are about to tan, always remember every animal has enough brains to tan its own hide...And the brains freeze nicely until your ready to use them...




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Now that was in depth. Let me know what you want to do. I am sure that if you got say 5 people to split the costs of tanning it wouldnt be too bad. Thats a lot of deer hair for 20 bucks.



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Feathers hit it on the head. Not that hard to do, just have to put the time in (I just hate doing it myself lol). But weird they send it to Cali. Try calling a few taxidermists near you. Should be someone who does hide tanning. I know at least 5 here that do it personally. Don't remember it being too expensive. But I have a friend who's a taxidermist who does mine for free (I just take him fishing to make up for it or give him flies and jigs).

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I live in Northeast Pennsylvania, if some members would want their hides tanned, I send mine out to North Carolina, and from the volume I send them, I pay 25.00 for a average deer, (no head,from the ears back) I would gladly ship your hides with mine, and this way you won't have the extra cost...They take 4 weeks to come back...Plus I don't pay for shipping...


At the end of March, I will have a ton of odd pieces from many north american species, so if someone is starting out, or running out, (hehe) let me know and I will send you some pieces...


Or if you know some kids just starting out in tying, I have certain packages that I put on the side for them, feathers, furs, quills etc...I like helping the kids out...Those will be complete by February...



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Allways interested. We are helping some people to start with flytying.

Postage is very expensive though. I am getting some Silkies-Neck skins for trading to other materials.


I am looking here at a duck and pheasant farm to get some nice pieces of skin. Maybe buy some fowl for breeding.




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