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Fly Tying


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About JohnWu

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  1. If you've worn neoprene waders ill know why
  2. Has anyone tried either of these? Is there a staggering difference?
  3. I have tried on a pair of the orvis encounter waders, they fit great, but to buy the silver sonics would have to be online because the price difference from the shop i use to the orvis site is a big big difference
  4. Would you recommend the silver sonic convertibles?? I was thinking of getting them as the price seems reasonable enough
  5. Looking to get new waders, seen the orvis encounter at a decent price but apparently the silver sonic waders r a lot better. I can't spend £400 of waders though, any suggestions? Is there much difference in the 3 layer breathables and the 5 layer??
  6. got this one later in the day after got the camera charged, lovely fish
  7. Just caught my biggest river brownie going on for 4 pounds which is rare in the river lagan, barely fit in the net. Went to take a picture and my camera died. Absolutely stoked to catch it but seriously gutted didn't get a photo. Know i should be pleased but my heart sinks that i don't have a photo! AHHHHHHHHHH
  8. ended up getting grade 2 metz, cost £35.99, does me well, I've been able to tie from 12 to 18 so far, haven't needed anything smaller as of yet, any bigger ill just use an indian cock cape
  9. How do u get 3 flies from one feather?? i though u needed the tip to split the feather?!
  10. I was using bronze mallard shoulder to tie my first few wallys, is there any other cheaper decent options? would you use mallard breast or woodcock or something? Also whats a good brand of cdc? All the stuff I've had is very very whispy and bit crap tbh
  11. Six mile water in Templepatrick (Ireland)
  12. My first wally wing, quite fun to tie, a lot easier than i thought, although i did have a larger wing and one side split so had to trim it 2 fibres smaller to get it even. If a fish takes this i reckon it'll be destroyed though prob a one fish fly? Brown olive spent cdc with wally wing
  13. Got my first 2 river brownies the other day, well happy, both on pheasant tail nymph. Missed like 5 and lost 2 (missed one on the dry was ragin). Handed the rod to my mate while i rolled a rollie and he got one lol. So we both ended up with 2. Here s a picture of me first one (absolutely massive gave such a fight LOL) and the second I'm into me second fish which was significantly bigger, nay photo tho (memories are all i need ((wish hada got a photo though lol)).
  14. Whats these scissors you get for £1.72? Id like to try these! If you could drop me a link or something?? Cheers
  15. Got dr slicks arrow points and they were great up till i dropped them this morning, and obviously they landed on the tips of course. Hadn't even had them 24 hours now one tip has a bend in it, I'm sure there is no remedy to this other than buying a new pair, just such a waste of money, RAGINNNN
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