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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by silverbullet32

  1. Hey Guys,


    I attempted to make some baitfish, minnow things, i also got a cool picture i took the other night. its a cloud that looks like a mushroom cloud in a way, but i only got that one unfocused pic, and then my camera died.


    I think i will name the green/yellow one John Deere King, and the red/black one Baitfish From Hell


    i used mardi gras beads for the eyes, and deer bucktail for the skirt





  2. ok, thanks guys. yeah i am an avid trout fisherman, but i am also a bass fisherman. for some reason i love tying bass poppers. i think its because i can tie them up in wild colors, make up my own, and do whatever, it seems that people get mad when i try to tie trout flies because they arent the certain way the professionally tied one looks like.


    thanks guys



  3. First off I have used the very vise you are refering to and I was extremely disappointed in it's performance and construction, especially considering the c-note that was paid for it. The jaws are a pain in the ass and just as was stated that one screw will go and you will be left without a vise until you get new parts. In short, crap! I wouldn't tye on one if you gave it to me, or payed me. I have a renzetti and i can tell you that for the money you can't beat em! What you have to weigh is the satisfaction of that 40 bucks not spent. I mean you may find something else that you can tye with but i know in the back of your head you always be thinking about what life would have been like if you had spent the extra 40 bucks on a renzetti instead of settling for something else. DUDE! Go the extra distance and get the renzz, it'll pay off in the long run. I have never ever heard of anybody saying they are sorry they bought one, but many have said they wish they hadn't bought the vise in that picture. HMMM?


    i will agree with you that if you spend the extra money, you get better quality. but i said i wanted to spend under 100 bucks, then i said if i was gonna spend 150 i would spend 40 more and get the renzz, but i cant afford that at the moment and especially my level of tying. in the future i would love to have one but i just cant spend that type of money. i need a good vise for under 110 bucks. i know you guys are thinking im just a penny pincher but thats all i got for a vise. i have more important things i have to save and spend my money on. thanks for the advice though.





  4. Hey Guys!


    Right now I have a piece of crap, $20.00 waste of metal. It came with my Cabela's Beginner's Kit. It has tought me how to tie flies, but as I progress and get better at tying, I am looking into a new vise. I don't want to spend over $100.00 so I am looking at the Danica DanVise. I have heard nothing but good on this vise, and it seems like a very suitible vise for my needs. I have a link to the vise ---





    So if anyone has heard of any vise that is better than this for under $100.00, please let me know. Thanks Guys





  5. Hey Guys!


    I live in the great state of Washington and alot of people think all we have is rain, but we have wonderful mountains, alot bigger than what alot of people have seen. I live in skagit county and alot of these places only take about 5 minutes to get to the gate, and then about 15 minutes of driving up logging roads. I know there are alot of people against logging but my town was founded by it and i am a fifth generation logger. Also, alot of people dont realize that alot of logging money goes towards schools, so please dont hate for what is good. So i hope you enjoy! these are not all in timely order but enjoy! I have more if you want. Maybe i will make another thread. Enjoy!

























































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