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  3. me too waiting for a hackle order
  4. Vicrider, You have had many interesting and a wide range of experiences. You also have a great writing style that consistently draws me in to your stories. Please keep writing. Tom
  5. Nice Yuk Bug! I am looking forward to seeing the redhorse
  6. @niveker - yes sir, two different pieces of foam. I got this pattern from watching Fly Tying Tex on Youtube. He has it named as the GurgleHop. Those are the only 2 i've tied thus far, but thinking more are to come with different color foam sandwiched in the middle.
  7. Nice - not there yet though. My Mom used to rag on my Dad for falling asleep in front of the boob-tube before going to bed. Dad's response was "I'm practicing!"
  8. Nice - is that a named pattern? 👍 👍 👍 Is that 2 separate strips of foam for the bodies on #'s 3 & 4?
  9. Amen brother! The magnification level of my "reading glasses" has been constantly increasing over the (many) years/decades I've been tying . . . I'm up to 2.75X for day-to-day use, and 4.0X for fly tying. For small flies, avoiding too much bulk is the key. The increasing availability and colors of these very-small-diameter tying threads in the last decade has been very helpful. Ed Engle has several excellent books on small flies - highly recommended! Regards,
  10. I've always admired Rick's flies (and they work really well!). There's a certain detail and eloquence to his flies . . . reminiscent of Chuck Stranahan's work. Regards,
  11. Yeah, perhaps a very minor inconvenience, BUT . . . We have this terrific forum to share ideas and techniques, exchange flies, and help newcomers learn about fly tying. That is my take-away! Kudos and thanks to all those who administer and support this forum! 👏
  12. this is an age-old problem that's never going to be fixed read the links i provide above for work arounds
  13. i wish you could let the owner of the forum know how it can be easily fixed 👍👍
  14. its been discussed ad nauseum here Page Functionality - Site Help and Suggestions - Fly Tying Navigating pages problem - Site Help and Suggestions - Fly Tying Website Question - Changing Pages - Site Help and Suggestions - Fly Tying
  15. Yesterday
  16. It's an ancient problem with this board, but easily fixed.
  17. Right click on the page number and click open in a new tab on the menu that drops down.
  18. I can view the first page but nothing more, only page #1 on the forum.
  19. Yes, his was where I got the instruction. I like Charlies videos. Here was today's, a Pheasant Tail, but the video was Ventures Fly Co.
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