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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by NJFlyMAn

  1. well well well....another swap gone bad....but WHY?

    NJ stepped up to host the swap for a new guy.....

    he posts the rules and date. at a few days past due he stated that he had only 8 out of the 13. and then Troutguy gets what he asked for....NJ may have acted childish...but honest....I got back mine plus the extra stuff for him...I guess troutguy aint the only one that "dont need this shit". I'm not happy about it but I'm only out one beer.

    But I would like a reply from NJ.


    I don't think thats going to happen. But it would be nice. I got my flies back OK but I'm out the shipping and 2 padded envlopes, And I see NJ is hosting another swap WTF he should at least be slapped on the hands by someone!! I'm more then a little pissed off over this Childish act by a swapmaster!!!





  2. i never got my flies back, i guess since i never got the direct answer to my did you get the flies yet question, i will never know if they were ever recieved, but the do you want me to RTS the flies says you got them.


    to all the other swapers im sorry, i only wanted my flies back after what i thought was a totaly out of line reply to an honest question that was ignored for too long.


    i think blizz79 is right



    I have no clue if I got your flies sorry. I couldn't tell if i got them b/c i didn't open every envelope i received .And i think you didn't put your username on the outside envelope? I was just counting the envelopes only. Once i got the right amount i was going to swap them for everyone. But your questions decided it for everyone that day. So the ones i had on had went RTS and any others i had gotten in the mail after they were sent out....

  3. Just one little reason why I'm done on this site and haven't been actively checking or updating the swap page. First I must say i was honestly just going to swap them all out when they all arrived and that was going to be it. Nothing said, I was just going on my way peacefully . Until I got more B/S and now some of you want a reply.. Please read.. ..A post on another thread.. From Smallie Hunter.."NJFlyMan, you sure expect alot from me and a lot from a website that you have never paid a dime to use. Tell you what, if you expect that much from me then don't bother hosting or participating on swaps here, I am certainly not going to be able to live up to your high expectations". FTF.


    I guess me giving Old Hat flies the other year for the raffle doesn't count as giving a dime??? And hosting numerous swaps in the past that the swappers got flies back before the due date doesn't mean a thing. Or even equal that i gave him a dime in his eyes?


    Also.. All the flies that arrived are in the mail being returned. I was also kind and gave some of you money in return for the postage wasted. Others sorry about that. The USPS couldn't break my $50.00 for small bills that day.





  4. I was really hopeing that the sm would have responded to my question of if the flies got there yet, but as yet , no reply, no update of the first page , no nothing ......



    Dude please relax...I only have 8 of the 13 envelopes at this present time. B) Edit: I Posted 9 but i just noticed now one is a Ebay item i had received that got mixed in with the other swap envelopes.


    If i don't get anymore soon, I'll swap what i do have and mail them out when i get the chance. Or would you rather have me just RTS yours???? I can do that no problem for you if you like??? The mail lady takes & delivers mail from my post box 6 days a week.


    As for right now i'm busy tying my tail off or out fishing the trico hatch early mornings in NJ, PA, or NY almost everyday. So many long days driving and fishing. So sorry this swap is on the back burner at this time as the flies should of been all swapped and mailed back to you swappers.


    Also as of now, fly fishing & fly tying is just far more important to me then swapping flies an updating this thread well past the due date. As i can see just like other things in life is for some members who can't even tye 12 flies up in a given time and have them mailed to me on the due date :rolleyes: Really? How long does a dozen flies really take one person on the vise? No longer then 90 minutes i would guess for most? :rolleyes: And how many hours do i give you swappers to get them flies tyed up? I don't even want to see the answer i think.. ok, It's 24 hours in a day. And i think i gave 35 days on this one? so it 24x35=840 hours one had to get the flies in so the SM could swap flies on or around the date that was given since they had free time on /around that date? Now someone want's to rush me or keep asking me for updates b/c it's now 8 days past the date? Sorry pal, It's full out trico time. Or it's "Tricorythodes" for the ones who like using the scientific name.



    SO.. Please just relax and "Have A Nice Day!!!" ;)


    all i really wanted to know was if th flies made it there, you could have typed yea i got them or no not yet, instead you chose to ignore it since i first asked it on 7/11, reasked on 7/18. then you take all the time to post this crap, tell you what, why dont you just return my flies, i dont need this shit



    No problem, your wish it is :P

  5. I was really hopeing that the sm would have responded to my question of if the flies got there yet, but as yet , no reply, no update of the first page , no nothing ......



    Dude please relax...I only have 8 of the 13 envelopes at this present time. B) Edit: I Posted 9 but i just noticed now one is a Ebay item i had received that got mixed in with the other swap envelopes.


    If i don't get anymore soon, I'll swap what i do have and mail them out when i get the chance. Or would you rather have me just RTS yours???? I can do that no problem for you if you like??? The mail lady takes & delivers mail from my post box 6 days a week.


    As for right now i'm busy tying my tail off or out fishing the trico hatch early mornings in NJ, PA, or NY almost everyday. So many long days driving and fishing. So sorry this swap is on the back burner at this time as the flies should of been all swapped and mailed back to you swappers.


    Also as of now, fly fishing & fly tying is just far more important to me then swapping flies an updating this thread well past the due date. As i can see just like other things in life is for some members who can't even tye 12 flies up in a given time and have them mailed to me on the due date :rolleyes: Really? How long does a dozen flies really take one person on the vise? No longer then 90 minutes i would guess for most? :rolleyes: And how many hours do i give you swappers to get them flies tyed up? I don't even want to see the answer i think.. ok, It's 24 hours in a day. And i think i gave 35 days on this one? so it 24x35=840 hours one had to get the flies in so the SM could swap flies on or around the date that was given since they had free time on /around that date? Now someone want's to rush me or keep asking me for updates b/c it's now 8 days past the date? Sorry pal, It's full out trico time. Or it's "Tricorythodes" for the ones who like using the scientific name.



    SO.. Please just relax and "Have A Nice Day!!!" ;)

  6. NJFlyMan, both you and Mr Utah sure expect alot from me and a lot from a website that you have never paid a dime to use. Tell you what, if you expect that much from me then don't bother hosting or participating on swaps here, I am certainly not going to be able to live up to your high expectations.


    Ok.. I don't pay for facebook either. Maybe I thought your site was as good as that one?



    Ok. Fair.. I wont run swaps that finish/end before the due dates anymore. I won't host B/c other members wont host a swap for other new members on your site. Sorry Will, I help you and other members on this forum out allot on your site. As you can see I hosted a swap for your members and didn't get a thing from it. Since I didn't tye anything. I just wanted your forum people to have a swap they could enjoy & become active members. What was I thinking??? But then again. you state b/c i don't pay. I have no right's and shouldn't say how I honestly feel? Sorry pal if the truth hurts!! B)

  7. Mybadhabit... So what you are saying is, I must tell my local authorities what happened on the FTF? Then they can request the info from FTF about his IP# and all the other details they have on him?


    I'm now confused and thought FTF could/would also file a complaint. Since the person/theif used their software/website for illegal activity to scam it's members. And FTF becomes the third party involved in this case? That's what someone from legal told me? It's like if FTF doesn't do anything it's like they are harboring/condoning the criminals and don't care about the safety of their internet users?

  8. My only gripe is also not what the mods didn't do then, It's what are the mods doing now to seek justice for the ones who got robbed on this site? With big name sponsors on this site, One would only think it's a safe place and the mods are talking with the authorities on our behalf? Since they should have his email & IP# and his home address and with that info the authorities could track him down very quickly, By also doing this it would show FTF isn't into having it's members robbed in any way in the future. Then again, Maybe Admin is doing this and we don't know about it? But I would like to hear that they are working on this issue in the near future. B)


    Thanks for letting me RAnT!!! B)


  9. Swap is now done!!! All flies are going postal this AM. B)


    Everyone should enjoy the variety of Czech nymphs they are going to receive from this swap. Good job everyone on tying and getting them in.


    I also would like to say thanks to all the swappers that took care of me with some extras. That was very kind of you.


    NJFLYMAN... B)

  10. As for Justin Nolf of CT, I liked the idea of mail fraud charges being filed. Ill sign a statement or whatever. :mellow:



    B) For those who want to file a mail charge against this guy. Here is the info he gave us for the Swap.. Someone posted a link before to a form that one can submit. And since he took postal money and maybe over $200.00 worth of flies from everyone. I'm sure it's internet mail fraud/Scam 100%...


    This is the guys info he provided to us..


    Justin S Nolf



    Date of Birth:


    164 Pokorny Rd

    Higganum, CT 06441-4417



    And I think this is the form link below .. Or you could even stop into your local post office and inform your postmaster about what happened.



  11. I don't know we would have to find someone who can and 20 or smaller is OK with me.


    I would host, but I'm currently hosting another swap. So maybe someone will step-up for me?

    Otherwise I'll take this swap and host it in a few weeks. B)

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