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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by NJFlyMAn

  1. Another great fly pattern. I love fishing caddis patterns
  2. Slick looking fly..How do them wings hold up when you catch a fish?
  3. Guess the Pink CDC would work.. I just love trout flies. Hope to see more tyes from you
  4. Another great trout pattern. Sweet looking fly
  5. Nice looking fly..Keep them coming, I enjoy looking at them
  6. I was thinking about it. But noticed only the stocked rainbows take the loud colors most of the time. The Browns & Brook trout seem to like more natural looking colors.
  7. Thinking of tying up some Czech Nymphs tonight.. Yeah or Nay with the hot spots? What colors do you like for the hot spot on the nymph besides Orange Or Pink? Or do the Natural ones produce better and adding a hot spot on the nymph only works some days?
  8. Wow, that is one awesome fly tying giveaway. Do you need to be a female to enter the giveaway?
  9. I'll be sending box #1 out in the mail Monday 100%. Avril I'll PM you the tracking# when I send it.
  10. Received the Mystery box from Bob N. what a box full of great tying supplies. Didn't expect that was even the box when it got delivered today. I thought it was going to be just a small VCR box, Great job guys on filling it up with nice quality choices of materials in it. I will need a few days to digest all the materials. Figure out whats what. Then look at some tying patterns and see if I'll ever use the stuff before even taking anything. Then it will get shipped out to Colorado...
  11. Very nice fly. Who makes the thread? Where can one buy it from? Any other color combo's it comes in?
  12. Very nice fly. Who makes the thread? Where can one buy it from?
  13. Very nice fish. Just wondering how many different types of peacock bass are there? And what type of peacock bass are the ones in Florida? I know they are called butterfly peacock bass? Are they the same fish as the ones in Brazil? Or some type of hybrid in Florida?
  14. I should be getting box 1 any day from Bob N. Then I'm sending Avril the box in CO.
  15. Maybe this video can help you out...
  16. Student4evr & djmyers ...Just thought I would give you a friendly reminder that flies for this swap need to be mailed in 7 days. Please give me an update on how things are..Thanks, NJFLYMAN
  17. Nope, your good. No need for the extra tying
  18. Don't think it's a priority stamp on the envelope. It's a Redwood forest stamp $4.95 Or is that a priority stamp? I'm confused never seen a stamp like that.
  19. Congrats!!! What pattern did you get them on?
  20. Firedad, Received your flies today. Yikes with the postage on the return envelope. You spent $5.95 that's overkill.
  21. Mark,FYI...Please don't mail me back any of the swap flies. Go ahead and fill your fly box with them all. Thanks again for hosting the swap!!!
  22. Avril, Thanks for sharing that pattern and video with us.
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