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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by lukemccoy.com

  1. Sorry for my late post, I was probobly the first one to get them back...I had a self addressed priority mail envelope...I'm too impatient haha.


    Great flies everyone! The jointed one Day5 did is pretty sweet, I've never had a fly like that. My favorite would have to be the small green foam one by FlyFisher09, I can't wait to use that one!


    I'll be taking pictures of them all in a few minutes and will post them as soon as I am done.

  2. I'm currently working with my friend that owns a Web Development company, http://www.workingproject.com. I've been doing this stuff for about 7 years, I'm 26. I left my old job in Jan, they were cutting back and I got offered a % to run it while the owner went traveling around the world...too bad the % wasn't enough, so I walked.


    I'm from New Orleans and had the chance to move to Las Vegas, where my friend is based. So I made the move and now work out of the house which is pretty nice.


    Other than that, I tie flies, fish when I can, and tend to lay on the couch more than I should.

  3. Thanks, I just did 4 of the Red Griff's for the swap and didn't have a problem with any of them popping. I just started from the base end this time. I guess that was my problem.


    And thanks SD, I was wondering how small or big the brush is...I'm going to order some anyway jsut to check it out.

  4. Thanks for the tips, I'll try them. Also the herl is new, I just bought it so I don't think age is a problem. I also saw on another board someone mention to soak the herl in water for 10-15 minutes before using it. Plus I'm going to order somne of that Herl Brush and try it out.

  5. I've been having problems wrapping peacock herl on smaller hook and wondered if anyone had any tips. As I'm wrapping it it will just snap and I have to start the fly all over again. I'm using my rotary vice and my figers or small light hackle pliers. I seem to just get lucky if it doesn't snap before I reach the front of the hook and tie it off.


    I was also looking at a Cabela's and see something called Peacock Herl Brush


    Peacock Herl Brush

    Adds durability to flies that use peacock herl. Easier to wrap than single herls. Three 14" strands let you tie dozens of flies. Great for tying smaller flies faster and more efficiently.


    Has anyone use this stuff and does it come out looking just like regular herl?

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