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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Chorizo

  1. I have wrapped and fished 8-10 wt rods for a long time now. I have never fished a 7wt rod. I am building a new rod, and with the help of steel drifter am pretty sure what blank I intend to use. The Only internal dispute I have is 7or8wt? I am a saltwater guy and have yet to run into anybody that fishes 7wt. Any opinions?
  2. Thanks Steve, your info is greatly appreciated.
  3. Looking for anything new to tie. I tie a lot of crab imitations, spoons, and shrimp bugs. I'm just getting bored lately, and lookin for something new to tie. Something that works.
  4. I really appreciate all the advice, thanks to all that posted. Maybe the rod builders can. Home in. I'm looking to build a 7-9wt with a medium to fast action for throwing 50-70' of wf floating line. This rod will be used primarily for sight casting to redfish. I live on the lower coast of Texas, and we do have a wind problem here. My problem is, I've wrapped rods from most of the popular rod manufacturers and felt I spent far to much for the blank. Im looking at rain shadow but don't know much about the blanks. Anyone with any suggestions feel free, I'm open ears.
  5. Are sage rods really worth the investment? I've never shot line with one, and thought maybe someone here has experience with some. My dilemma seems to be spending so much when I can wrap a high end blank for less than a third of the cost.
  6. Is there anyone from Texas here? Do you reside in coastal Texas? Do any of you have any new flies you've been using as of late?
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