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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by Andreas

  1. Well, finally I got the inspiration to put my earlier made set of dragonflywings to (good?) use!! :D

    I've mostly been posting in the classic salmonfly forum, but love to do some realistics every once in a while, just for the fun of it. After all, I am a troutfisher, not a salmonfisher :P




  2. thanks guys!!


    It's underbody is built with dubbing and tying thread. The body is then wrapped with ostrich herl. Wings cut from a suitable material, and legs of slightly heated/bent micro-chenille. Thats it! Doesn't take too long either, 2-3 hours the first time maybe? :)

  3. raffia/marker-pens for the finish, hackle stems for the legs (partially wound with thread for enhanced shape), scotch tape technique for the wings (first try, with the wrong tape by the way). Mono-eyes.


    Quite thick mono as the underbody in the extended part.


    Like the way it turned out. Looking forward to the next one, with perfect wings, enhanced colouring, and a better tapered abdomen ;)


    thanx for kind words you guys! Appreciate it, really

  4. sullyTM;


    In short, the spider's abdomen is made up of spun deer-hair, quite heavily varnished and "painted" with marker pen's. The legs is made up of regular monofilament/nylon line, 1x and 3x maybe, not sure :P My dubbing needle was heated up with a lighter, and used to make the characteristic bends in the legs. This require some practice, to learn how the nylon reacts to your red-hot dubbing needle!


    The "mouth" is made from two CDC-feather stems, with a varnished fibre of some sort as "teeth"/jaw.



  5. I must agree with you on your last post there! Heptagenia Fuscogrisea is the only heptagenia-species found in lakes. I've often come across it, as you say, along rocky shorelines, and places with scattered roots and branches on the bottom. My experience with this mayfly, comes from fishing just north of Oslo/Norway.


    You can use the colour-pattern on their heavy built legs, and their somewhat flat profile for easy identification!


    I see both nymph pictures, and a dun-picture of the fuscogrisea among your pics'! :)

    A nice, well-sized mayfly, which can produce good activity!



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