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Here's to me ....

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I'm kind of a long-time user but 1st time poster.


My grandad used to take me out to the Vedder Canal when I was 3. He would plunk me down with a worm and a bobber then fly fish on either side of me for a while then we would move on.


The mystery of that floating line intrigued me then and still does over 50 years later.


I flat out refuse to fish each spring until I've caught a trout on his rod. Moved to northern Alberta a decade ago so I've not fished much since.


Totally pisses me off! I can toss that 6WDT line out to the back taper but there ain't no trout to catch!


As an aside, I stole that rod back from my sister and replaced it with a wippy cheap rod. She called me on it but has since forgiven me.


It was in sad shape from her abuse. All the guides were scored out from monofilement trolling action and the reel seat was toast.


I ripped the blank down and rebuilt it with Fugi guides and a Rosewood reel seat. The classic cork is still there and I swear I can still smell his stinky cigars on it. lol


I catch lots of these Northern Pike and Walleye but they are a poor substitute for the salmon/steelies/trout that I caught up to a decade ago.


My wife is right into raising chickens and I'm thinking feathers etc. Home business and tax write-offs come to mind.


I'm way out of the loop but we have a couple of barred rocks and looking to get better ones with whatever is the feathers needed these days.


This is in no way some sort of spam, just a guy trying to make a buck off a hobby that his wife loves to do and a re-vitalization of my first love.


I'll be glad to post pics as soon as I figure it all out and I've got lots of pics!


Hoping to get to know lots of you fishers as the days go on.


I drive Super-B oil tankers and my schedule is weird so please cut me some slack.


Peace and tight lines!



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Welcome to FTF! Again.! I guess. What kind of rod is it? Or do you know, if she has abused it to the point of non-recognition.

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Welcome...post when ya can.... and good luck on the bird business...check out Whiting Farms story...


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