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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by ArkieFlyGuy

  1. Wanted to put in a plug for a couple of events coming up...


    First, some of you may be familiar with Terry Tanner, a super fly tier and super nice guy. We are having a benefit Tie-A-Thon for him in Branson, MO on May 22nd. Details can be found BY CLICKING HERE...


    Also, wanted to start pumping you up about the Southern Council FFF Conclave Sep 30 - Oct 2 in Mountain Home, AR. For a promotional video CLICK HERE... or go to the Southern Council Conclave website HERE...


    The Conclave includes a video contest, X-Stream X-po Games, and A Night at the White River Theater. Should be a great time!!!

  2. I think you left a couple of things out of your list... f-stop and shutter speed. Are you using a dSLR or standard digital? Also, is this for instruction or is it for a portrait shot?


    Line color is probably second to the background color and texture. If you have a multi-colored and mixed background, it's going to be tougher to get that shot than if you have a plain background.


    Long story short, it's going to be difficult to get the capture you are after without taking a lot of things into consideration...



    If you have ever wanted to present at the Conclave, now is your chance! We are looking for some new and exciting presentations and classes to offer at the 2010 Southern Council Conclave. We not only want to educate the seasoned fly fisherman, but offer educational avenues for beginners and non-fly fishing attendees as well.


    Unique fishing techniques

    Fly tying


    Entomology or other aquatic studies

    Target species and fishing destinations

    Special interest related to fly fishing






    All ideas will be considered, so use your imagination!


    If you have a special presentation you would like to share with fellow anglers, please submit the following information:


    Your name

    Your location

    Your FFF club

    Contact information – Phone, email, address.

    Name of the presentation

    Brief description

    Brief outline

    Length of presentation

    Equipment needed

    Supplies needed – supplied by us or by the attendee (specify)

    Class limitations

    Costs associated with any supplies


    If your class/presentation is not included in the 2010 Conclave, it will be saved for consideration for future conclaves.


    Please send the above information to [email protected] by March 1, 2010.



    FLY TIERS - If you would like to travel to Mountain Home, AR for the conclave and tie (There are usually 50 tiers on the floor at any given time - four sessions) please contact Dennis "Bear" Reed at [email protected] or email me and I will forward it to Bear. He would like to have a couple of flies sent to him for review, but that will come later.


    We would love to have you all at our Conclave next year!!!! C'MON DOWN!!!!!

  4. I agree that kits are not the way to go even though I started out with one. I also agree that you sould get acquainted with your local fly shop and buy from them. Online dealers are fine for some things, but your local shop can allow you to put your hands on things and if you build up a good relationship with them, you will be better satisfied with your purchases. Of course there are bad apples in every situation, but if your local shop has a good reputation, go with them...


    As for what tools, it depends on what you're tying... I rarely use a bodkin, but most people think you have to have one...


    One piece of advise... Go ahead and spend a bit of money on your scissors... Good ones are well worth the money...

  5. Nice image, Alex...


    Your hands are never steady enough and a tripod would have helped a bunch... I keep a monopod handy as well as it will help when a tripod is cumbersome.


    I'm wondering about your setup... (camera, lens, etc.) One thing you might think about is zooming back (or use 15 mm on your lens) and then crop the image to a panoramic image. You won't get quite the detail, but you would be surpised what you do get...

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