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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by jburge

  1. Can I get in with a mosquito? Thanks! John
  2. 'freak, I got hit by a car while on a bicycle and my injuries weren't that bad. You tore it up good. You're in our prayers. John
  3. All I can say is, "Wow!" Awesome job. John
  4. Wayne P makes a good point. Knowing your local streams really helps. Since I'm in CA, and fish primarily the west, some of my online recipe sources are: http://stevenojai.tripod.com/flybox.htm http://www.westfly.com/fly-pattern-recipe/...rn-recipe.shtml http://www.charliesflyboxinc.com/flybox/index.cfm John
  5. Paintballer, I'm no expert but one of the things that helped me most is picking up a couple of "beginner" books and tying every fly in them: - Charlie Craven's "Basic Fly Tying" - Ted Leeson and Jim Schollmeyer's "Benchside Introduction to Fly Tying" - Peter Gathercole's "Fly Tying for Beginners" - Skip Morris' "Fly Tying Made Clear and Simple" Pheasant tail nymph, copper john, woolly buggers (in all colors and sizes), elk hair caddis, e/c caddis, ants, comparadun, griffith's gnat, just to name a few. Hope this helps ;-) John
  6. Cripple PMD's all done. They will be mailed tomorrow: CDC Cripple PMD Hook: TMC 100BL #16 Thread: 8/0 Lt Cahill Tail: Lemon wood duck, and (sparse) brown z-lon Body: Yellow rabbit Wing: Natural white CDC, and (sparse) yellow z-lon Thorax: Pale rabbit Enjoy! John
  7. Doh! My bad. I kept looking at the last page here instead of the first. Thanks! John
  8. Brian, Those Green Drakes show up at your place yet? Thanks! John
  9. Uhhh... I'm you're huckleberry. John I'm leaning towards one of these three: baby beetle, cripple pmd, or pmd nymph. I'll post my decision by tomorrow morning. Thanks, uh, Huck ;-) And it's official... Cripple PMD
  10. Brian, Put the Green Drake Sparkle Duns in the mailbox today. They're on their way... John
  11. And me too: Recipe Hook: #14 TMC100BL Thread: Dark olive Shuck: Brown z-lon Rib: Brown floss Abdomen: Gray olive super fine Wing: Dark deer hair (comparadun natural) Thorax/Head: Gray olive super fine Tied Charlie Craven style, adding the wing after the abdomen is dubbed. I'm still pretty new at this (been tying for about 3 months), so any feedback you pros have is greatly appreciated. Thanks! millerwb, they should be in the mail tomorrow. John
  12. I'd like to get in this one with a Green Drake Sparkle Dun... John
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