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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Trey9123

  1. I would go on a Golden Mahseer fishing / Tiger Safari trip in the Himalays http://swittersb.wordpress.com/2008/12/30/...eer-on-the-fly/
  2. Can you recommend a good rod for these streams. I really don't know that much about gear and the only fly rod I have ever owned is the 7 weight saltwater that I have had for years. I am just having a hard time figuring out where to start. Thanks
  3. A little more info, I should have included. I think the streams I will be fishing most often will be small and tight with smallish trout. So probably short and light is the ticket. Again, thanks for any help.
  4. I have been living in Abu Dhabi for a while, catching some fish here on my 7 weight saltwater rod. I am moving back to the US however in July, getting married, and have purchased a house in the South Carolina mountains to move into. From my web research, I see that their are several trout streams within a short drive and I want to be ready to fish them when I get home (I have already started to teach myself to tie some trout patterns, surprisingly much harder than saltwater flies). I have never really done any fly fishing for trout and long story short, I would like to have a rod ready for me when I get there. I am thinking a 4 or 5 weight would probably do the job (correct me if I am wrong) and I was wondering if there were any good kits out there. By kit, I guess I mean package deal where you can get the rod, reel, and line all together. From what I can tell there are no fly fishing shop in the area, so I will need to order something on-line. From looking around, I know that you can spend a fortune on a rod...I don't want to, and honestly can't afford to. I would like to get something for less than $200 if at all possible. I figure it will get me in the water and if trout fishing tickles my fancy I can upgrade later. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks for you time and input, Trey.
  5. they really aren't that much more than sharpies if you order one at a time, Thanks
  6. I am tired of going out and buying sharpies 1 at a time when I need a new color. Has anyone found a good set of waterproof markers which includes the rainbow of colors needed for fly tying. I don't mind spending a few dollars if it means i will always have the necessary color on hand. Thanks
  7. I take a lot of whiting and pompano pretty close to the beach in the surf. I figured that I could just walk ankle deep and cast out and see what happens. It will be an experiment for me. I will let you know how it goes.
  8. Thanks, I will be eagerly awaiting trying it out, it is such a beautiful pattern.
  9. Any word on when this will be up and running. I can't wait to try this one out. http://www.flylipps.com/shrimptie.html
  10. That would be awesome, thanks. I am actually living in Abu Dhabi in the UAE right now, but my contract is up in 4 months and I am getting married on Topsail Island NC right after that and moving back to South Carolina. I have done lots of surf fishing there, usually using live mole crabs as bait, but I really want to try some fly in the surf when I get back. I think it will work well if I can find the right pattern, most of the fish hit almost right at shore as the tide comes in. It is usually pompano, whiting, sheepshead, and flounder, but when you hook into a 20 lb. redfish or black drum 10 feet from the beach it will really get the heart racing. I have a shrimp pattern that I like to tie, and a petty good blue crab, but this mole crab pattern eludes me. Thanks again for the responses and I will look forward to seeing what you come up with.
  11. I'm not actually at the beach right now, so I can't dig one up and send pics. You should be able to get a pretty good idea from these links I found on-line. As far as I can tell, the Pacific and Atlantic varieties look identical. I think the most important features are the bright orange egg sac and the exposed gills which look like antenna. The bury themselves in the sand with there rounded ends first, so so I think that that is the end that needs to be near the eye of the hook. I think that that end also needs to be weighted enough to keep them on the bottom in the surf because all the species I am fishing for feed off the bottom in that zone. They get up to about an inch long but I have the most luck fishing live ones that are about the size of a thumbnail. Any advice you could give me would be great, or I would love to see an example tied by a true master. http://snailstales.blogspot.com/2007/10/mole-crab.html http://boatlessfishing.com/forum/viewtopic...48&p=176360 http://eol.org/pages/344198
  12. Thanks, you guys are obviously more technically apt than me.
  13. I am getting into fly tying, and I do a lot of fishing along Carolina coasts. I would like to be able to tie a realistic but fishable Mole Crab pattern for Pompano and Whiting in the surf. The closest flies that I have been able to find are these, and neither really tickle my fancy. If you have any better ideas please let me know. http://www.danica.com/flytier/kmiller/epoxy_mole_crab.htm
  14. I found a recipe for Henry Will’s Ultimate Shrimp but it does not have a picture included with it. I am having a hard time conceptualizing what it looks like. I tried to Google it but I cant find one. Dose anyone have a pic they could post of one. Thanks in advance for your help. http://www.flyfishinsalt.com/techniques/fl...rimp-36741.html
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