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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by firedad

  1. Thanks I've had plenty of time to practice as I'm a seasonal wildland firefighter and besides moving back into Reno, NV and enrolling my son in a new school, it's been open to tying and checking out the forum, until May 23 then back to work.
  2. I've never fly fished in salt water. Yeah I'm using them either way. It was five months ago when I bought them with my first supplies, and they're closed down now too. I was wondering because I didn't want to buy anymore of these if it was a common occurrence.
  3. I live in the area and fish the Truckee. Check out this blog for updates http://www.gilligansguideservice.blogspot.com/ Today he talked about the LT (Little Truckee River), but look at the last few for updates on the BT (Truckee River). Also check out http://www.flyfishingcalifornia.blogspot.com/ Between these two you should find enough info. Hope this helps.
  4. If it's not too late, make sure to set the extras aside for yourself. Thanks for hosting, Jeremy hope to join another one of yours
  5. I have two recent posts in the beginner forum where I am asking for advice and critique. When clicked on the pics are too big, but that's one of the things I got a tip on, so please bare with me.
  6. I used them all anyways and I don't remember what I bought. Do they have lead ones? I bought them with my vise and a few other things when I was just getting started, they were just handing me stuff. Sadly the Reno Fly Shop is now closed . On the post "some more beginner flies" here in the beginner forum I have a pic, second on the top, that has one of these beads missing the gold color. Don't know if you can tell what it is or not.
  7. Yes it's a sheep creek special. This one I did with sparkle chenille and I did others with peacock herl. Most of them are not weighted and tied on a hook with a shorter shank.
  8. Is it common for the color coating to come off the bead or did I have a bad batch. I bought Tiemco gold beads and as I took them out of the bag or put them on the hook to tie, the coating flaked off just from handling with my fingers.
  9. sorry about the size being so large. It's hard to tell how flawed they are unless you can zoom in on them, but they are way too big. Still please check them out and tell me what you really think. Also check out my post with dry flies. Thanks all, Jeremy
  10. Thanks again for some more great tips. I do open my boxes to dry, even when I'm done fishing, I put them on the dash of my truck in the sun. It's when I wade fish the whole box is submerged and fills with water. Most of my patterns with rabbit strips also bleed color onto each other. Any suggestions?
  11. Sure you can have some more flies; I'll trade you for that rod
  12. Wow that is big I didn't click on them so I didn't notice. Thanks for the tip
  13. Is yellow an ok color for steelhead or salmon? This is one of my first flies I tied and had very little supplies. I like the look of steelhead/salmon flies so I played around on the vise and came up with a few orange/black flies and this one. I didn't take pics of the orange/black flies because they look like crap from getting rusty in my fly box (only a few months old).
  14. Here are some of the wets/nymphs, again please let me know what you think. I'm going to put some more up later too.
  15. Here are some of my dry flies I've tied in my first 5 months of tying. Please let me know what you think. Thanks, Jeremy
  16. thanks! Great video for a beginner. I've been looking for something simple like this. Perfect.
  17. Welcome to the forum. Lots to learn here and great people to help. Those are some good looking flies. I hope to see some pics of fishing in Brazil.
  18. Sorry it's taking so long for me to get mine out, but I've got them packaged up and will head to the post office on Monday. Didn't mean to double post I was submitting my post and my internet went down so it came up again
  19. Sorry it's taking so long for me to get mine out, but I've got them packaged up and will head to the post office on Monday.
  20. Nice flies, I especially like the look of the orange one. I also like to tie soft hackles, cause as a beginner wrapping soft hackles come easier to me than dry hackle. Partly because it's bigger, less wraps, and because of the lower quality dry hackle I have.
  21. I saw the same thing and was so bummed, now that I've found you I don't know what I'd do with out you guys. Although at the same time it worked on my phone for the brief time it was down. Glad to see everything's ok.
  22. If you want you can send me a PM with your phone # and i'll give you a call and tell you what I know. Thanks I will.
  23. Looks like fun. I like fishing for bass and bluegill, they put up a great fight for their size. I would like to tie up some bass flies, but haven't got any materials for them yet ie... hooks, popper bodies, ect. Maybe this summer when the temps warm up. Do you know how they tie the deer hair flies with different colors and patterns? It looks as if they paint them, but the recipes call for different colors of hair. Know of any step by steps on these?
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