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Fly Tying

Carol Ann

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About Carol Ann

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    Bait Fisherman

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  1. Hi Bigfoot, Just a note to let you know that the updated edition of Skip's book, "The Art of Tying the Bass Fly" should be available from the publisher any day now (it was published through Frank Amato Publications). We got a preview copy, and they told us it was on its way last week, so I suspect it is available now. I think it went down on the list price about $5.00 (it was $29.95, I believe they're listing it for $24.95). Hope that helps you out; just thought I'd let you know since it was released earlier than expected... Hope you have a wonderful holiday... best wishes, Carol Ann Morris
  2. Hi all, Skip and I felt we had to weigh in here since we are as baffled as anyone as to why his book, "The Art of Tying the Bass Fly" would be priced between $870 and $1200 (and then yesterday I saw a price for $2000...whaaaat???) . The first we heard of it was two days ago, when we got an email from a new tier looking for the book, and he told us what he was finding for prices on-line. The list price for that book is $29.95, and there is a DVD (still available) that you may be able to get in your local fly shop or on-line for $26.95. The DVD covers five flies (Hair Bass Bug, Dave's Eelworm Streamer, Clouser Minnow, Skip's Dad, the SMP; total run time is one hour and 45 minutes); the book has 18 flies that are tied step-by-step with an additional 33 patterns listed in the back. Although this particular edition of the book isn't available anymore, Skip is in the process of updating it, and it should be released by Frank Amato Publications in about a year. The list price isn't changing as far as we know. Skip is mainly changing a couple of the tying chapters to patterns that he feels reflect more popular flies being used today, and also updating the fly pattern index in the back of the book to reflect the same. Our friend Rick Hafele (an aquatic entomologist and fellow fly-fishing author) stopped by yesterday, and we asked him what he thought of the sudden and dramatic over-the-top price of this book, and he just looked at Skip and said, "Well...are you dead yet?" Uhhh...no. So...the mystery continues. Our advice? Keep looking for a used copy of the book in a more reasonable price range, or wait until the updated version comes out. Best Wishes, Carol Ann Morris P.S. I just posted this, and noticed the "Bait Fisherman" moniker which is a bit unnerving...though after a brief search of help, I understand that name changes after 10 posts, and everyone starts out with that...whew...!
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