Hello everyone,
I am new to the forum and have just started to fly fish for bass, bluegills, well panfish in general and was looking into tying after I seen a man out at our local lake missing a hand and he ties his own flies, and I said to myself if he could do it, I could do it. I make jewerly out of beads and lots of beads to start with yes I am female if you are wondering by now. Im a bit over whelmed with this and composed a list of things I think I should get :
A vise
bobbins (are these like the bobbins that thread comes on ?)
scissors ( i am a certified nurses aide and have suture removal scissors and tweezers from my job at the nursing home)
hackle pliers
dubbing needle
whip finisher
hair stacker
saw brassie on a list (what is this)
From what im reading and saw i cant use plain hooks from the spinning gear? so that means that I have to get fly tying hooks?
I was thinking to start I would brush my black long haired dog or trim some fur from his belly and tie some flies. I would like to start with wooly buggers.
any and all imformation would be greatly appreciated.
LadyFisher :help: