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Fly Tying


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About mrwisker

  • Rank
    Bait Fisherman
  • Birthday 02/05/1967

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  • Favorite Species
    red sweedish fish
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  1. Couple years back, I cleaned out My wife's Grandparents house. Finally today, I got a chance to go through some of the boxes and look to sell some stuff at the flea market. I found an old feather hat and an old rabbit skin coat. Before I started getting into tying flies, I would have probably thrown that jacket away because the condition is not overly great for any resale value. Not No More...I look at the jacket and want to shave it down, put it into a coffee grinder and make enough dubbing to last what? six or seven lifetimes? Also, every time I see embroidery floss, I buy it, by the gallon size zip lock baggy. (I read that people use that to tie flies too) Who else uses embroidery floss and how do you prep it for use? Speaker and data wire are also real good (won't have to by any copper wire)
  2. I vote no...yet again I vote no on keeping any fish I catch. If I actually intend on eating them, then maybe, but the probability of me eating any of them are real low.
  3. Craigslist is a good option to use, I would look for a computer desk for is the corner is space is limited. IKEA is awesome just to walk through and see what you can piece together to use. I would also go to Lowes or Home Depot and look in their organizing section. Both of those stores have closeout and scratch and dent items for sale at greatly reduced prices. Yardsales and fleamarkets work wonders. I just got a 4' wide door from work that I will most likely turn into a workbench
  4. Thanks for the input :-) Believe me I have read the vise debate, My decision was based on price and the fact that people older and wiser (at least to a certain extent) tell me thay have tied 10s of thousands of flies on their old thompson vices. When the time comes I will uprade if need be. Scissors will be my next investment. Since they seem to be the next most important tool in tying. I have a pair of industrial telecom scissors I use at work for small wires and such, but will need a pair for fine detail work I'm sure. Chances are I will look for the "gift box" just to get them all in one shot.
  5. I just starting to acquiring the tools of the trade. ... what are the very basic tools that are a "must have" Some of them are painfully obvious that you need, others, not so much. So far I have a vise and a base for said vise, that's it. Right now I am fishing mostly for trout, but also will most likely hit the lakes for panfish and bass. After asking around, I have decided to start with a few mainstays of trout fishing. Pheasant tails, hairs ears, prince nymphs, copper johns, and maybe some woooly buggers. I'm sure the what to start with tool thread has been beaten to death, I will be satisfied with a past thread link.
  6. I't seems that I am not the only one with issues. The Sticky thread about the video tutorials seems to have all dead links
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