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Fly Tying


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About lostnwilderness

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  1. Just wanted to thank everyone again for their advice an input. The desk is solid white oak and the drawers are sold cedar. I am guessing in the 175 pound range. She is SOLID. 3 coats of varnish on so far. I am thinking it will need at least another 2. I appreciate the great advice! Cheers.
  2. I ended up with the regal. I read the instructions and took off. Tied from 18-6 yesterday afternoon. It is a rockstar. I appreciate everyones imput! thanks for helping me make an informed decision!!!!
  3. Tying small trout flies 22 up to 2/0 Bass and Musky Flies. Thoughts? Experience? Comments?
  4. utyer, you are the man. Thanks so much for how much you contribute to this forum. You have helped me and I am sure countless other folks in our own personal progressions. Thank you!!!
  5. So to tack on to my original question, what would yall recommend for a small light gel spun type thread? I tie a number of smaller deer hair flies sz.20-14 (the pattern is the "speck" aka the irresistible) I have yet to find a great thread for spinning deerhair on smaller flies so I just end up using my standard uni thread. Any "advanced" advice?
  6. WOW. This question has turned up some awesome answers that you all! This has been VERY VERY informative!!!!
  7. Smallest Thread Possible? I have always heard to use the smallest thread possible especially on dries. I use standard 8/0 on most of mine. My question is what size do you typically use, more importantly – do any of you use 12/0 or 14/0? What brand and type? Do you think it helps or makes a difference?
  8. I definitely agree with the more storage advice. I am just limited on space in our small house. I am just trying to maximize the space I have. It looks like their will be 1 "junk" drawer (lines, backing, reels, spare glue, tools etc...) and 1 extra drawer. I just labeled them both as "junk" aka random stuff that always seems to pop up. The back wall is your standard kitchen white. It works extremely well! Thanks for the comments so far! Just trying to think through this before I start laying out and ripping lumber!
  9. So I have decided I am going to build myself a custom fly tying desk. I have a small space dedicated to tying in my pantry. GREAT lighting already in place. I am trying to consider all possibilities and account for as many as possible. I tie flies for trout – dry’s, nymphs and streamers as well as a few smallmouth flies. The drawers in this will be my primary storage – I don’t have or need as many materials as a lot of folks on here. Here is what I was thinking: Junk Drawer #1 Junk Drawer #2 Drawer for Hooks and Beads Drawer for Hackle Capes Drawer of random other feathers Drawer for synthetics Drawer for hair I am going to attempt to customize the drawer depth based on what is going in them. All of my threads/floss and wire hang on a seamstress rack on the wall. And all of my tools fit in my goofy foam tool caddy. I do not use a magnifying glass as of yet but figure I can determine how to mount it to the wall/desk when I cross that bridge. I have a peg board in front of the desk and a book shelf above it. I have the dimensions of the desk already figured out (available space and the height I like to tie at). There is a TON of knowledge and experience on this forum so I ask you - what am I not accounting for or considering? Any thoughts or advice? What do you wish you had that you don't? Thanks everyone!!!
  10. Thats some good info right there. Here in the southern appalachains we dont have any humidity...
  11. will table salt work or do you have to have something fancy?
  12. So there are a number of post about this but I am just wanting to make sure I have tail treatment down correctly (I just got a red fox tail). 1. Flesh it out (get the bone out of it) 2. Wash thoroughly with Dawn dish detergent 3. Allow to dry well and comb out 4. Secure it to a board and apply borax to the flesh side and allow to dry Am I missing anything? Thanks All!
  13. You should give the midge jaws a try. the majority of flies I tie are 14 and smaller. They have worked beautifully all the way up to sz6. I only put the standard jaws on if I am tieing big honking streamers, muskie or bass bugs...
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