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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by fishinguy



    How do you tie a dry dropper rig onto an tippet ring?

    see the post just above yours, he describes tying the tippet on with a long tag end, this leaves the tippet end and the tag end as places to tie fly. The same can be done with about any knot, by leaving a 8-12" tag when making the knot. Just don't snip the tag.
    That post was referring to two sub surface flies. I was just curious if there was a specific way to do a dry dropper.

  2. You see Les, stop polluting is really the only thing I'm hearing from the scientists freaking out about climate change. Wether they're right about everything or not, I can agree with that. On the other hand, we're getting another 4 inches of snow tomorrow in SW PA. Bring on the global warming!

  3. Yep. There big curved part on the right cuts the wire right at the eye. I tried just grinding down the cutting edge first, but that ended up giving you a bent 90 degree stub after your eye. Cut it off completely and it works like a champ. Got mine on Amazon. About $20. The 2.25 mm loop is maybe a little on the large size. About the same as I was getting with my 2 nails in a board. Wanted to make sure they would swing nice and free, and they will.

  4. 1st attempt @ shanks for flies (criticism welcome)

    Decided to try wrapping vs U bend.

    IMO better to use .035 for anything over 1 inch to prevent bending final product during use.

    Bottom: .024" ss wire (1" lg) #4 hook

    Mid: .024" ss wire (2" lg) #2 hook

    Top: .035" ss wire (3" lg) 1/0 hook


    2018-03-17 17.24.07.jpg

    planning on tying on the tail? Split ring is not the typical method, but I suppose it should work fine. Just watch the cut end of the wire. Cuts thread like a razor.

  5. 1st attempt @ shanks for flies (criticism welcome)

    Decided to try wrapping vs U bend.

    IMO better to use .035 for anything over 1 inch to prevent bending final product during use.

    Bottom: .024" ss wire (1" lg) #4 hook

    Mid: .024" ss wire (2" lg) #2 hook

    Top: .035" ss wire (3" lg) 1/0 hook


    2018-03-17 17.24.07.jpg

    planning on tying on the tail? Split ring is not the typical method, but I suppose it should work fine. Just watch the cut end of the wire. Cuts thread like a razor.
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