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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Hookedintheear

  1. The vise is fine and I am wearing YouTube out when I have the opportunity. The dang materials and hooks is where my issues come from.
  2. It's sad that things like this happens. On the other side though I had two seperate people offer to help me get started and zilch. I am disabled so I had to pinch pennies just to purchase a used AA Vice that came with a few (very few) materials and 15 hooks. I would have been very grateful to have gotten the help I was offered but it is what it is. Now I am becoming a great "scrounger" lol. I am even going to try and make foam ants out of my old Cpap filters. 😀
  3. Flytyer I have this bookmarked! This is exactly what I needed! Thanks!
  4. Thanks. I'm getting frustrated thinking I'm using the wrong materials together.
  5. I noticed on a fly tying app that it said when tying certain flies to use only "dry fly dubbing" how do I know that the dubbing I have is correct. Does that mean to only use fur or fur like material? Thanks.
  6. I have a bookmark folder with everyone I could find.
  7. The lines core consists of helium.😀
  8. Oh I'm not leaving. Just plan on not making anymore suggestions. I mean I understand how to use/purpose of the search function but I thought I could help other guys just starting out.
  9. It was just a suggestion. Keep my mouth shut from now on.
  10. I have noticed the subject of the best places to buy material comes up over and over. Why not make a pinned post listing all of these places? That way the info is right there for everyone especially us newbees.
  11. I have bookmarked all the places suggested thanks again!
  12. I was wondering where the best place is to get materials, hooks etc? I am disabled so I need to get the best bang for my buck. I bought some stuff off Ebay to get started but still need some guidance here. I appreciate the advice.
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